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We provide high-quality Rwanda cowpeas to the local and export markets. We source the raw fresh Rwanda cowpeas from family growers in the country.

Rwanda cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is a dry land nutritious legume that grows in the cattle-keeping Eastern Province of this Great Lakes region’s nation. Its ability to withstand drought and thrive in even famished sandy soils puts it in the ranks of the easiest-to-grow crops. One of the characteristics that give it resilience is its mineral-building root nodules that make nitrogen of their own. The most common color of the seed is ashy. However, there are black-eyed peas that feature notable black specks on their dicotyledons.

History lacks unanimity on the origin of the cowpea. The most common exponents include the Ethiopian highlands in Eastern Africa.  Records, however, point to south-east Asia around 2300 B.C.

As one of the critical sources of protein at 23.52 grams per every 100 grams, cowpeas’ consumption helps to build the muscles. The vitamin content is also notable especially vitamin B folate which comes with 140% concentrations per serving, good enough for anemia cure. Vitamin C comes in at 2% of the daily needs. The mineral department is headed by calcium which is present at 11%, a good enough proportion for promoting teeth health. The phosphorous level goes to 61% per serving. There is also magnesium with its bone-strengthening abilities at 52% per serving.

We source Rwanda cowpeas from the semi-arid regions of this land of a thousand hills. Some of the areas where the crop grows include Nyagatare district in eastern Rwanda and Gasabo. Our family growers cultivate the plant on a small land of less than an acre.  They maintain their fields with farmyard manure and reduce reliance on chemical sprays.

We harvest Rwanda cowpeas 2 to 3 months after sowing the seeds. The disparity in dates depends on the proper or poor maintenance of the peas as they grow. We start with the leaves just 21 days after planting. We pluck the foliage by hand and keep it in the ready baskets. For the seeds, we go for green pods that have enough bulges to proclaim the presence of mature peas. After picking them, our army of workers threshes the pods by hand at the farm and retains the seeds in buckets. The debris of leaves, stalks, and pods remain behind in the farm to serve as mulch.

After the delivery of the harvested Rwanda cowpeas, we dry them in an interior rack. After this curing phase, we sort them by their healthy appearance. We remove any shriveled, discolored and shapeless seed. We also discard debris including stalks and other foliage. Only healthy peas go into grading. Grade 1 is made up of green seeds that are well cured. Grade 2 is made up of blemish-free seeds that have also gone through proper drying. The third grade consists of healthy leftover seeds. These go on to make processed canned foods.

We pack the graded Rwanda cowpeas in properly aerated jute bags. These offer good travel, storage, and sun-drying properties and thus are multipurpose. All the produce comes with no more than 12% moisture levels. We offer the seeds in the basic measure of 20 kilos. There are also larger measures of 50 kilos. Additionally, we have cowpea leaves in vacuum-sealed sachets. We label each stoppered bag or sachet with labels of the name of the produce, the net weight, the date of packing ad the country of origin.

We store Rwanda cowpeas in near-freezing conditions of below 0 degrees Celsius. We keep out diseases, rot, and pests by ensuring dry, ventilated and dimly-lit storage.

We transfer the fresh cargo to the airport in Kigali via our special refrigerated trucks. The shipment will thereby make it to your destination in the next one to two days after its dispatch.

Therefore, if you are after one of the healthiest legumes around, do not hesitate to request our Rwanda cowpeas. We source the peas from Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-certified family growers as a guarantee of quality. You can expect tonnage that matches your exact needs as we maintain the surplus in every harvest. Regarding pricing, we make the most affordable deals that match your financial capacity. Make an order today!

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