Want to know the best of foods that start with S such as desserts, soups, casseroles or bakery, or just want to be your own best chef in your home kitchen by exploring S foods?.We have curated the top 59 foods that start with the letter S to keep your menu sizzling!

How about we start with a summary!

Fruits: Seville Orange, Shiraz Grape, Sloe Berry, Soursop, Starfruit, Strawberry, Sugar Apple, Surinam Cherry, Sweet Grapefruit, 

Vegetables: Spinach, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Swiss Chard, Squash Blossoms

Grains: Sorghum. 

Legumes: Snap Peas, Snow Peas, Soybeans. 

Meat: Spareribs, Steak.

Seafood: Sole, Snapper, Scallops, Salmon, Sardines, Shrimp, Squid, Swordfish.

Dairy: Skim Milk, Soft Cheese, Sour Cream, String Cheese

Nuts and Seeds:  Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, 

Oils and Fats: Safflower Oil, Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil.

Sweets and Desserts: Sashimi, Salad,  Samosa, Sandwiches, Scones, Scrambled Eggs, Shish Kebab, Snacks,  Submarine Sandwich, Sugar.

Beverages:Salty Dog, Savoy Affair, Savoy Corpse Reviver, Scotch and Soda.

Herbs and Spices: Salt, Shiitake Mushrooms, Sage, Spirulina. 

Prepared/Cooked: Soup, Sushi, Spaghetti, Stew.  

Fruits that start with S

Citrus, grapes, cherries, berries, drupes and apples are some of the fruits and fruit groups that you will find in this rich list of fruits that start with S. Read on!

1. Seville Orange

Another name for bitter orange, a Seville orange is the popular term for a fruit of the Citrus x aurantium tree that first grew in south-east Asia. It got its name, Seville orange, from the fact that it was first introduced in Europe in the 12th century via the city of Seville in Spain. It later spread across the Americas through Spanish conquistadors.

A bitter orange is round, with a loose, ribbed orange skin, and has an orange-tinged pulp. It is one of the bitterest of oranges and hence it makes for a better cooking companion than a raw fruit.

You might want to check out the prices of oranges in Spain.

2. Shiraz Grape

Shiraz grape is the alternative name for Syrah, a special black-tinged grape that  grows worldwide and is a key source of red wine. In as late as 1999, research found that it is a hybrid of two lesser known grape varieties from France. 

In terms of taste, Shiraz grapes  have a peppery, spicy and sweet flavor. Their wines have diverse tastes that start as a rich palate kick at first gulp and finish with a satisfying sweetness in the mouth.

3. Sloe Berry

Sloe berry or more commonly, blackthorn, is the species Prunus spinosa  that comes from the same family as roses. The plant bears dark purple round berries that are eaten raw with a sugar additive to infuse their tartness. They also make good gin additives, transform jellies and bring a tangy flavor in fruit cheeses. This tropical fruit grows naturally in Europe and the Middle-East but it is naturalized elsewhere. 

4. Soursop

Annona muricata or soursop is the large bumpy fruit of an evergreen tree with broad leaves that is native to the warmer regions of the Americas and the Caribbean islands.  The fruit usually has a prickly surface protecting the creamy flesh with a fragrant aroma.  Though it is related to pineapples, soursop has a more pronounced flavor than the former.

  • Eating soursop brings ready healthy benefits including:
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Regulates blood glucose levels

Related: nutrition in soursop.

5. Starfruit 

Shaped exactly like a star when split open, starfruit, also known as crambola, is a fruit that grows in southeast Asia in two varieties. The flowery fruit has ridges along each of its five enclosing pods that fold together in a cone shape. 

One variety is smaller than the other and espouses a sour flavor, while the larger variety has a sweet taste. You can also feature this lime yellow fruit in cuisine including baked fruit pies.  

6. Strawberry

Strawberry or Fragaria spp in botanical terms is a bright red medium-sized berry that grows worldwide mostly in cultivated form. It is a bumpy-textured, distinctly heart-shaped drupe with a pointed tip, attributes that make it a popular bright ornamental in a fruit orchard. 

Like other rose family berries, strawberries are fragrant and espouse a sweet flavor as a table fruit. You can also make strawberry juice out of the pressed pulp of the fruit.

More resources: strawberries nutritional summary. 

7.  Sugar Apple

Sugar apple or sweetsop, is a large bumpy-skinned fruit that grows naturally in the warmer parts of the Americas. It came to Asia through Spanish traders after the Age of Discovery.  The fruit has a heart shape that reminds you of either a shapely guava or a little soursop. 

Eating a custard apple, which is another name for sugar apple, brings you these daily value percentages of nutrients:

  • 60 percent vitamin C
  • 17 percent dietary fiber
  • 10 percent vitamin B6 

8. Suriname Cherry

Curiously resembling a rich-color ribbed watermelon, Suriname cherry or Brazilian cherry, is a fruit of the myrtaceae family and a native of South America. Its name echoes the country name of origin. Its introduction to Florida in 1931 immediately gave it its current popular name, Florida cherry. It serves both as an edible fruit and an ornamental. In terms of taste, it has a mildly sweet flavor. 

9.  Sweet Grapefruit

Sweet grapefruit refers to either Oro Blancos or Melogold varieties of grapefruit which are considerably sweeter than other grapefruit cultivars. These fruits are large, round and slightly oblate, with pale green hue. They are rather rare to come across but you can bet once you eat one with its deep yellow-tinged flesh, you will never yearn for another variety.

Vegetables that start with S

If you are a foodie or food lover, prepare to find more about starchy tubers like sweet potatoes and leafy greens like the common spinach on a list dedicated to the letter S only.

10. Spinach

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable known in worldwide cuisine for its mellow, soft leaves with a mild distinct, earthy flavor. It comes from the family of amaranth with an origin in Western Asia. Its curly leaves can garnish cooked meals or consumed raw as salad. As a cuisine, spinach can be ready in a few minutes, making it one of the fastest veggies to prepare.

Here is a breakdown of the nutrition of spinach, representing the daily value portions:

  •  34 percent vitamin C
  • 15 percent potassium
  •  5 percent protein

11. Squash

A general term, squash describes gourds of diverse varieties that originated in the Andes of South America and neighboring regions. Now grown worldwide, squash comes in a range of shapes and sizes: most shapes are round and ribbed with flattened ends, while others are oblong and elongated.

Depending on the region, a squash can be called a gourd or pumpkin or vice versa. The main types of seed-bearing squashes include:

  • Gourds
  • Pumpkins
  • Winter squashes

12.  Sweet Potatoes

A tuber rich in beta-carotene owing to its bright-colored orange-to-yellow flesh, the sweet potato is one of the best known sweet-tasting tubers across the world. Though starchy, with 6 percent of the daily value of carbohydrates, in nutrition, the sweet potato is important as a substantial source of potassium and a little of protein, too. This morning glory family staple  grows into an oblong, large sized underground tuber from creeping vines with spare leaves. 

Related: nutrition in sweet potatoes

13. Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is an extension of the term chard, another name for leaf beet plant. It is a plant with broad white stalks that are edible. Its leaf blades are tinged green and also make good salad vegetables either raw or cooked.  You can also feature it in soup, stew, French quiches and even casseroles. The soft leaves are easy to steam, fry or sautee.

14.  Squash Blossoms

Squash blossoms are the edible flowers of squash, including summer and winter varieties. The flowers are cup-shaped, plump and tinged a bright yellow color. The stamen and female parts are both edible and you can pluck some of them even as you wait for the gourds to mature. You can eat them raw to enjoy a radish-like taste or feature them in cooked salads. 

Benefits of eating squash blossoms include:

  • The flowers enhance neurological growth due to their B vitamins.
  • They help in cell and body development from their spare protein nutrients. 

Grains that start with S

Everyone loves that grain of corn in his cornmeal, that crunch of oat bran and even that splash of millet in porridge. And in the category of grains that start with S, there is the versatile sorghum, a grain for every imaginable culinary use.

15. Sorghum 

Sorghum is one among twenty-five species of grain-producing cereals similar to millet and related to grass. It is one of the oldest cereals in the human diet as well as animal feed. Its alternative name, broomcorn, is associated with the bristles of the plants that sometimes serve as brooms. The apex of each sorghum stalk which develops on the upper parts of the sheaths are crowned by dark red bristles full of edible sorghum grains.  

You can use sorghum in a number of ways, including:

  • Making traditional porridge
  • Preparing leavened and unleavened loaves
  • Fermenting beverages such as porridge and beer
  • Eating as whole grain after steaming or popping 

More resources: sorghum grains nutrition.

Legumes that start with S

Let’s explore a list of letter S legumes even as we snap fingers three times for snap peas, snow peas and soybeans.

16. Snap Peas

Also called sugar snap peas due to their sweet flavor, snap peas are edible-pod hybrids of snow and garden peas. They are generally harvested immature to take advantage of the sugary, tender, round seeds and the undeveloped green pods.

Snap peas have a crunchy feel on the teeth and an extremely comely taste. You can consume them raw as a part of salad or cook them in stew. 

17. Snow Peas

Also known as mangetout, snow peas are cousins of French beans in the culinary department as they are eaten whole, pods, seeds and all. These edible-pod peas have flattened pods with immature pod walls that entrap unripened seeds inside. They are harvested in their early stages before the pods can harden.

Snow peas taste sweet with a mild flavor on the raw but they are always blanched before partaking.  Dishes paired with these leafy legumes include salads, noodle stir-fries and Asian green curries.  

18. Soybeans 

Soybeans are the seeds of the leguminous species, Glucine max, which is native to East Asia, and enjoy widespread cultivation in the tropics. They are a rich source of protein, either in whole grain form or as soybean meal. They are also a major source of animal feed, especially in European and Chinese zero-grazing farms. 

As key sources of soy milk, soybeans are used in Japanese cuisine to make tofu dishes. They are rich in:

  • Protein at 73 percent of the daily needs
  • Potassium at 51 percent of the daily value
  • Fat at 30 percent of the daily requirements 

Meat that starts with S

As you rip away at those spareribs or even take savory bites in that firm yet tender steak, also read more about these two special meat cuts on this list of meat that starts with letter S.

19. Spareribs

Spareribs refer to the meat cut from the lower part of the ribcage of an animal, especially a pig, and as such, are also called pork ribs. They are quite popular chops in most Western and Far-East dishes. They include both meat and bone, chopped into convenient sizes. They are often roasted on a grill, smoked or baked with pastry. 

Spareribs can be eaten solo or served as a barbecue with sauce. They taste like pork but the flavor can vary depending on the nature of additional ingredients.

More: cooked spareribs nutritional summary.

20.  Steak

Steak is a premium cut from the hindquarters of an animal, which is then shaped into thick slabs for roasting or frying.  It can also refer to red meat thickly cut from a muscle fiber, sometimes with bone. The most common ways for enjoying steak include:

  • Grilling
  • Dicing or cooking with sauce
  • Mincing and including in patties for making burgers 

Seafood that starts with S

From your favorite sole through a snapper to the soft squid, here is a list of seafood, featuring fish and invertebrates alike all belonging to letter S.

21. Sole

Sole is fish from a number of related families, but more especially the Soleidae family.  It can also refer to certain members of flatfish by people outside England. The most representative sole  has a diamond shape, a shape characterized by a tiny head ending in a triangular snout. This fish has a single high placed right eye and a mouth that lacks symmetry. 

When eaten as seafood, soles have a very unique taste, which makes them rather expensive in the fish market. 

22. Snapper

 A snapper or Bigeye snapper is the common name for Lutjanus lutjanus, a range of fish species that roam the Pacific Ocean as well as the Indian Ocean. There are 105 such known species, some of which inhabit interior freshwater-ways. 

First classified in 1861, some of the most consumed of these are red snappers, with their signature red tinge. Their flesh has a mild taste with some nuances of sweetness. You can cook it in various ways, from smoking to grilling. 

23. Scallops

Scallops describe aquatic mollusks of various species with bivalve characteristics. They have compressed bodies that fit in light- or dark-colored shells.  Sometimes the name scallop may also loosely apply to invertebrates related to thorny oysters. In the food sense, the term ‘scallops’ means a dish made of clams or other mollusks and is usually considered of premium cost. 

24. Salmon

Salmon are relatively small fish among ray-fin types that belong to the family Salmonidae. They are prevalent in river basins bordering the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are similar to trout and grayling, among other kinds. Adults weigh 3.6 to 5.4 kg, especially the Atlantic salmon.  

In dishes, this fish exudes a rich flavor accented with some oiliness, while in the case of poached salmon, the taste ameliorates to a buttery flavor. 

More resources: nutrition in smoked salmon

25. Sardines

Also known as pilchards, sardines are immature pilchards, and are usually tiny, oily fish that are consumed in large numbers by people and aquatic creatures larger than them. In specific terms, certain classifications put pilchards as longer than 15 centimeters while sardines fall below that dimension. 

In texture, sardines are oily and bony. These two attributes contain healthy attributes, including the fact that their bones are rich in calcium as well as phosphorous, two sources of  bone health in humans.

Related: nutrition summary in dried sardines 

26. Shrimp

Similar to prawns with their legs topped by claws, shrimps are long-body crustaceans that move through the waters by swimming. They have muscular lower body parts and a head with lofty antennae. 

Shrimp meat is hearty and full of protein. Its leanness also ensures a good share of few calories. 

27. Squid

Similar-looking to octopuses but on more pronounced dual tentacles’ note,  squid is a mollusc with big bright eyes and eight arms. It has an elongated body tending to a triangular aspect, unlike the rounded shape of an octopus. 

As cuisine, squids have a tough yet smooth meat when raw, but which ameliorates to tenderness and firmness when slow-cooked. This way, you can make a savory calamari dish from squid.

28. Swordfish

Swordfish, so named for their long flat snouts that earn them the alternative name of broadbills, are aquatic fish with high affinity for migration. Owing to their elusive character, they are famed game fish species loved by sport fishermen. The fish resemble marlin but the two are different species from the same Xiphiidae family.  

As cuisine, the white flesh of swordfish exudes a mild taste and is quite fleshy. It makes for  great seafood steaks. 

Dairy that starts with S

Get ready to wet the palate with the fresh taste of skim milk or enjoy the tangy mouthful of sour cream on-you guessed right-a list of dairy under letter S. 

29. Skim Milk

When you remove fat from whole milk and leave just 0.1 percent of it, then you are left with skim milk. Skim milk is an alternative version for health-conscious people who want all the benefits of whole milk minus the fat. Luckily, because the fat part of milk is separate from minerals such as calcium, no mineral is lost in the skimmed drink.

Though studies show skim milk helps with weight loss, it might nevertheless not be as good as whole milk at fighting cholesterol.

30. Soft Cheese

Soft cheese is cheese that has a soft texture and is less flaky than dried versions.  It is usually fresh, mild-tasting, with a creamy touch.  It requires two main ingredients to make, namely milk and cream.

Some of the typical soft cheeses you can try include: 

  •  Feta
  •  Cottage cheese
  • Gorgonzola 
  •  Chevre

31.  Sour Cream

If normal cream undergoes fermentation with a bacterial culture, which makes it tangy-tasting, then it qualifies as sour cream. The most common reason for souring is the formation of lactic acid from the microorganisms that naturally inhabit kept milk or are artificially added.  You can maintain sour cream in its original state for half a year after allowing it to thaw in the fridge. 

32. String Cheese

String cheese is a kind of mozzarella cheese that can be pulled into strands as you snack along. Mozzarella describes a firm white cheese from Italy that is derived from water buffalo’s  or cow’s milk and often tops pizzas.  String cheese, however, is a little different as it is from low-liquid milk and is eaten in dried form rather than kept fresh in brine.  

Nuts and seeds that start with S

If it is not sesame then it is sunflower. This is a list of seeds and nuts that start with letter S, with the two represented here being seeds of aromatic plants.

33. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are pod-protected seeds of the sesame plant from the Sesamum genus, whose relatives grow in the wild in places such as Africa.  These dark, oval-shaped bean-like seeds are rich in calcium and manganese, two minerals necessary for bone and teeth health.  The seeds garnish many dishes in the Indian subcontinent, owing to their mildly sweet, nutty flavor. They are also edible whole, bringing a crunchy bite to the palate.

34. Sunflower Seeds 

Sunflower seeds are the gray and dark seeds of the sunflower plant. There are three varieties including the kind rich in linoleic acid and the ones rich in oleic acid, besides the oil seed variety.

In food, the non-oil seed varieties, usually the bigger-sized, gray-tinged versions with white stripes, make for tastier and fleshier food than the dark oil seed types. You can eat them raw or roasted, with salt.

Related: nutrition in flavored sunflower seed 

Oils and fats that start with S

Essential oils and fats are a part of the daily cooking experience and what better way to approach them than to describe at least three popular oils that start with S, namely safflower oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil!

35. Safflower Oil

Safflower oil is the essential oil derived from safflower seeds. It is considerably high in linoleic acid, a fatty acid from the polyunsaturated fat of the oil, which is a good element for heart nutrition. 

In terms of taste, safflower oil lends your food a mild, neutral flavor that ascribes to that of rapeseed oil. Therefore, you can add enough of this oil in food without spoiling the broth. 

36. Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is a limited supply vegetable oil manually obtained from pressing white or black sesame seeds, a tedious process that contributes to its scarcity. Nevertheless, you will love its earthy taste of nuts that reminds you of the seed from which it is derived. 

You can find sesame oil flavor in Asian dishes, which commonly feature it in cuisine.  It is beneficial for preventing cell inflammation and cardiac problems due to its great antioxidant content.

More: sesame oil nutritional summary

37. Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is the pressed oil from the seeds of the sunflower plant. It is rich in polyunsaturated fat, which makes it an ideal cooking oil for a healthy diet. The main constituent of the unsaturated fat part of the oil is linoleic acid which  is good for curbing cardiac disease and lowering high cholesterol.

Sweets and desserts that start with S

Fasten your chef’s apron as we search culinary succor through a list of S letter sweets and desserts that will take us to south Asia, the Middle East and the rest of the world.

38. Sashimi

If you are into fresh fish, then sashimi, a Japanese dish made of raw seafood or other raw meat will be your palate definer. The appellation for this dish comes from the Japanese word for a pierced body. To make sashimi, you have to cut your meat into thin slices and enjoy it with soy sauce. You can whet your appetite further by daubing your uncooked seafood with paste or pickled ginger.

39. Salad

A salad is any dish that is taken cold, usually consisting of raw or cooked greens with appropriate dressing such as oil or vinegar and eaten prior to meat, fish or other main courses. The most common ingredients are raw chops of tomatoes, cabbage and other greens and may also contain pickled fruits.  The most common type is the green salad, wholly composed of veggies in small quantities.

Related: nutrients in a black bean salad.

40. Samosa

A popular treat from across South Asia all the way to Ethiopia, a samosa or sambosa is a mostly cone-shaped wheat pastry with savory vegetable and meat stuffing. This closed pastry usually takes the classic cone shape but is often triangular or crescent. It is a snack you can eat at any time, whole, or with tea. Its savory range of ingredients include meat, spices, cheese, onion, chili, potatoes, peas and fermented milk.

41. Sandwiches

Sandwiches are a blend of eggs, vegetables, meat, and often cheese encased in two slices of bread or bun. The term grew from the deli sandwich of the 18th century and derives from a baron known as John Montagu, who was an Earl of Sandwich. 

While enclosing eggs with rolls of bread is the classic sandwich, here are four more popular sandwiches you can try:

  • Pickled egg salad with rolls.
  • Italian beef sandwich.
  • Muffuletta sandwich.
  • Pork sandwich.  

42. Scones

Scones are classic mini loaves that are traditionally popular breakfast treats in the British Isles. They are made in round, bloated shapes from wheat or oat flour and are leavened with baking powder. Though made of mainly carbs, a scone can be quite nutritional due to rich ingredients and usually contains these key daily value percentages:

  • 16 percent iron
  • 15 percent carbohydrates
  • 14 percent protein 

43. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs is a healthy treat made of curds of heated beaten eggs mixed with butter.  To achieve their curd consistency, the yolks and whites are stirred vigorously in a heated pan with oil. Though more or less embellished with only salt and butter, the dish can also contain other ingredients. 

As a dish, scrambled eggs have been part of people’s breakfast for centuries, with the earliest recorded date of the meal being in 14th century Italy.

44. Shish Kebab

A Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern meat-based staple, a shish kebab is a skewered stick of ground meat and other ingredients, such as vegetables.  The meat is infused into a stick or skewer and is mainly made up of lamb  from which the word shish kebab comes from, although fish and chicken can also be included.  

If you want a satiating fast food today, rush to a North African restaurant and you will probably bump into a waiter carrying a shish kebab/kabob/kabab tray!

45. Snacks

A snack is a light food consumed between the main meals and is often made of sweet or light ingredients. It helps give a temporary satiating feeling and sometimes can be a wholesome food such as oatmeal. There are different snacks including potato chips, cookies, tortillas, popcorn and fruit pies. 

46. Submarine Sandwich 

A submarine sandwich as used in North American cuisine is a lengthy bread roll that is stuffed with meat and vegetables. You may occasionally hear it called by derogatory terms like spuckie and hoagie. This sandwich often contains diverse vegetable chops, cheese flakes, meats and spices, some of them raw. One of the more popular submarine sandwiches outside the US is the ‘Gatsby’ from South Africa.

47. Sugar

Sugar is the general word for carbohydrate crystals that dissolve in water to lend a sweet taste to the solution. It is a common flavoring agent made up of simple compounds such as glucose and fructose as well as galactose. Its main two sources include processed sugarcane and sugar beets.  It is also derived directly from honey, corn syrup, coconut milk and even fruits.

More resources: primary nutrients in sugar.


Interesting names to be certain are awaiting round the pub corner on this list of beverages that start with S, featuring salty dog and ending with your usual scotch and soda.

48. Salty Dog

Similar to the other canine-named drink, Greyhound, only this time with a salt ingredient, Salty Dog is just that: a cocktail made of mainly vodka/gin, grapefruit juice and a salt lining. 

To enjoy a Salty Dog, you will need to first daub the rim of your highball glass with salt. The ingredients are blended and strained into the glass and taken fresh and ice-free. The drink’s history goes back to the 1920s.

49.  Savoy Affair

A drink worthy of royalty, Savoy Affair is a cocktail that blends fruits and champagne. One of its prerequisites is a tall cocktail glass that you have to rub with lime and coat with sugar before mixing the ingredients.

To make a Savoy Affair, you will require:

  • Champagne
  • Peach brandy
  • Strawberry liqueur
  • Passion fruit and lime juices

50. Savoy Corpse Reviver

What a name to give a beer! All the same, Savoy Corpse Reviver or simply Corpse Reviver is a 28.57 percent alcohol content drink made from gin, lemon juice and De menthe, among other ingredients. It is served in a cocktail or wine glass. The name of this sizzling, bright-colored brandy goes back to old-time bars that gave their clients a pick-me-up in the morning to revive their spirits after taking one too many in the same pub the previous night. The name stuck and has been embraced today in the beer mainstream.

51. Scotch and Soda

Scotch and soda is a prevalent cocktail composed of Scotch whisky in a blend with soda water. It is also permissible to use any other sparkling water other than soda in the ratio of 1 part Scotch and 2 parts water. The drink is chilled and garnished with lemon twist to add flavor to the sizzling liquid. 

Herbs and spices that start with S

Whether it is that basic seasoning, salt, or that rare of rarities, spirulina, let’s explore a list of herbs and spices that start with letter S that will bring you to the world’s oldest known life form!

52. Salt

Salt is a characteristic part of human taste and is a mineral compound made of mainly sodium chloride. There are two types, including rock salt, which is free-standing crystalline mineral and table salt, which is powder crystalline.  Other than seasoning meals, salt plays this important somatic role:

  • Though needed in minimal quantities, sodium in salt helps the nerves to send impulses and in muscle contraction. 

53. Shiitake Mushrooms

Black forest mushroom, popular in Japan as shiitake mushroom, or just shitake, is a fungus that grows in the Far-East and other parts of the world, and is used in cuisine and medicine. These small, pancake-shaped mushrooms grow on tree barks and espouse a tan or dark brown tinge. The caps can reach from 5 to 10 centimeters across.  

Shitake exudes an earthy yet smoky aroma and enriches dishes such as tofu with its aromatic qualities. 

54. Sage

A member of the same family as mint, sage is a mini shrub with slightly curved leaves tinged pale green, verging on gray. It is rampant in the Mediterranean region but also grows in other parts of the world. 

Garden sage serves many culinary purposes, some of them medicinal. You can eat it as a spice with other vegetables to benefit from its anti-diabetic and cholesterol regulation properties.

Related: cooked sage nutritional highlights

55. Spirulina

Spirulina is a blue-green, aquatic and freshwater algae and a member of ancient cyanobacteria species, which constitute some of the oldest biomass forms of life according to science. A worldwide cultivated delicacy, spirulina in all its three species is eaten a s whole food or as a supplement for its beneficial value in health. 

Healthy attributes owing to the antioxidants from this algae include:

  •  Relieves body pain
  •  Lowers cell inflammation cases
  • Protects the brain 

Prepared/cooked food that starts with S

Soup will always form a part of any course, while sushi will always inform an expert Japanese dish, not to say that a spaghetti will carry your day fast forward and a stew will make your day healthy. This is a list of prepared meals made up of letter S.

56.  Soup

Soup describes the liquid part of cooked ingredients, usually made up of a thick stock, a foundation made of fats with spices and garnish from vegetables or meats.  There are different types of soups, depending on region or ingredients including:

  • Broth: from stew
  • Puree: from crushed fruits
  • Chowders: usually spicy
  • Creamy: made of cream

57. Sushi

Sushi  is a range of delicately prepared food in Japan, with the key ingredient being rice that is spiced with vinegar and seasoned with a little sugar and salt. The meal is usually followed up by a course of vegetables, fruits and similar recipes. 

In most Japanese sushi recipes, seafood that is expertly prepared is used as a stuffing that is rolled in rice. In sushi lingo, this is called a Maki-zushi or sushi roll. Such a dish can also have eels and it is eaten out of hand. 

Related: Yellowtail, a sushi delight

58. Spaghetti

Spaghetti is long, winded pasta, with a thin solid body that looks like a tan-colored strand on the plate. It is a major part of traditional cuisine of Italy, a country that provides the word for the food which translates to ‘little twine.’ This twining pasta is made from wheat flour or traditionally with durum wheat semolina that is blended with water and enriched with other ingredients. 

Spaghetti is normally cooked by boiling  and garnished with sauces made of vegetables or meat.

59. Stew

A stew is a soupy mixture of solid foods in liquid which are served as a rich gravy with other wholesome foods. Stew is a part and parcel of a diet because it defines the semi-solid sauce that washes down or makes palatable harder foods such as bread. The most common ingredients include:

  •  Meat, which produces rich gravy
  • Vegetables and starch including potatoes, which make for thick soup
  •  Legumes such as peas, which enrich the meal with a crunchy, puffy texture
  • Peppers, which flavor the foods

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