G is a pretty common letter for inspiring funny-sounding yet very typical words for our simplest foods and beverages. Take for example grog, essentially a mixture of water and brandy or even the turned round word, glogg and you have an idea how beers are named. 

In this alphabetical list dedicated to the alphabetical letter G, you will not only learn about whole fruits, meat, oils and ready foods but also those hanging in-between such as gluten protein, gravy meal and grist cereals.

Here is a summary of our full alphabetical list of foods starting with G

Fruits: Garambullo, Genip,  Goji Berry, Gooseberry, Granny Smith Apples, Grape, Grapefruit, Green Olives, Greengage,  Guava.

Vegetables and legumes: Garbanzo Beans, Garden Pea, Garlic, Globe Artichoke, Goa Bean, Gobber, Grass, Green Beans, Green Gram, Groundnut. 

Spices, oils and Condiments: Garlic Chive, Gherkin, Ginger, Ginger Root, Gluten, Green Pepper (Bell Pepper), Green Soybean.

Meat, Poultry and fish: Gammon, Gigot, Goat, Goose, Grasshopper, Ground Beef, Grouse, Gruyere Cheese.

Dairy and Eggs: Ghee, Goat Cheese, Gorgonzola, Gouda, Greek Yoghurt.

Grains and seeds: Golden Grahams, Grain, Green Corn, Grist, Groats. 

Ready Meals: Galantine, Game Pie, Garlic Bread, Garnish, Gateau, Gatsby, Gelatin, General Tso’s Chicken, Genoise, Gingerbread, Gingersnap Cookies, Glaze, Goulash, Graham Crackers,  Granola, Gravy, Greek Salad, Green Tea Noodle, Grilled Asparagus, Gruel, Guacamole, Gum.

Beverages: Galliano, Gimlet, Gin, Glogg, Grappa, Grog, Guinness Beer. 

Fruits that start with G

We hope that you find a refreshing burst of vitamins and other great nutrients with this wide range of fruits that start with G.  

1. Garambullo

Garambullo thrives in the hotter parts of Mexico at altitudes of 1000 meters above sea level where it produces its small red or purple-colored fruits. It is a cactus species that is easily recognizable in the jungle for its bushy aspect with thorny stems piled up each over another in a little group. The sweet juice of this fruit features in local Mexican tea as it is a tonic for diarrhea.  

2. Genip

Genip is a fruit resembling a lime and a Caribbean rarity.  It has quite a piquant smell, a scent corresponding to the juicy pulp with its sweet flavor. The fruit’s berry is green in color while the flesh is a surprise to those who open it for the first time with its vaguely yellow color. Despite the strong pleasant smell, the flesh is pasty to the touch.

3. Goji Berry

Distinct for their bright scarlet tinge, goji berries are a product of China under the botanical term Lycium chinense. They are also loosely called wolfberries. The hanging of the small fruits in the aspect of orange-red pearls from their shrubs in a similar manner to red chili peppers is quite a pleasant sight. The thing, however, that draws most to goji berries are their health benefits:

  • There are beliefs that their antioxidants and vitamins can help with male fertility.
  • They are also a superfood for their beta-carotene nutrient that is responsible for good skin health.

To know more about the nutritional value of goji berries, please check this breakdown

4. Gooseberry

Gooseberries are known for their unique simple berries topped with a dried up calyx on their fruit top. Depending on the particular variant from the many varieties in the genus Ribes, gooseberries can be green when ripe, crimson, yellow, orange, white or even black.  In terms of nutrition, these fruits have 4 percent copper, 2 percent iron and 3 percent magnesium, all daily value equivalents, with water holding the largest portion at 87.87 grams per berry.

Related: Prices of Redcurrants and Gooseberries in Canada 

5. Granny Smith Apples

Though they had their origins in Australia in the second half of the 19th century, Granny smith apples are today the most widely grown apple variety on the West Coast of the United States, even ahead of the more popular Gala type. These green apples are characterized by their green-yellow color and a slightly sour aroma. They feature in a dozen dishes ranging from the classic apple pie to crumbles and apple cakes, among others. The tart Granny Smith Apple may also promote healthy skin courtesy of its vitamins.

6. Grape

Grapes are sweet berries that form clusters of a golden yellow, deep red or black color when they are ripe. They are the produce of the Mediterranean, with a cultivation history going 8000 years back, when humans first turned them into food. Today, these delicious small fruits that are sold in bunches attached to their vine stalks, serve as sweet or tart table fruits depending on variety. They also make grape juice which is rich in minerals and vitamin C. However, the best known by-product is the grape wine distilled from them.

Related: Prices of Grapes in the United States 

7. Grapefruit

In a ranking of the most elusive in terms of taste among fruits, grapefruit would probably top the list. Its strangely colored flesh that can be a deep pink or a tan yellow, offers similar transports of flavor from a bitter nuance to a semi-sweet hint, with no single taste being absolute. It is a citrus fruit known for its grapefruit juice, which is packed with antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins. Eaten as a table fruit, a single grapefruit provides the total daily requirements of vitamin C, at 100 percent of the daily value. 

8. Green Olives 

A fruit of the Mediterranean region, green olives are oval-shaped greenish stone fruits. Wherever they are grown, from Italy through Spain to California in the US, they are used to produce extra virgin olive oil.  As a table fruit, a green olive has sufficient natural salt in itself to spice up pizza and salad. Even when eaten alone, it stands out as a revitalizing fruity food.

9. Greengage

A temperate climate variety, greengages are actually plums only that they are green when mature, turning a rich pale green when ripe. The fruits were first wild plums in modern day Iran before they transmuted into cultivation. Today, they are closely related to the popular European plum. As food, greengages have a crisp texture when unripe and a soft chewy texture when fully ripe. They taste like salty but sweet confectionery. Many contain stone seeds that are thrown away after eating the flesh.

10. Guava

A very important tropical fruit, guava belongs to the myrtle family and has a home in Latin America and in other tropics. It has edible deep red flesh whose range of healthy benefits includes improving immunity, helping with constipation, lowering stress and improving eyesight. It is also a cancer-prevention superfood.  The flesh of the guava also features in making fruit pickles, spicing up beverages, making jams and garnishing fruit pies. Like the tree’s leaf, the fruit is also used as traditional medicine.  

Vegetables and legumes that start with G

What would human food be without vegetables and legumes? Vegetables play a vital source of essential vitamins that keep the body functioning, while most legumes come strong as alternatives to animal proteins. If you are more into the vegetables and legumes line, here is your world of greens and legumes that begin with the letter G. 

11. Garbanzo Beans

With a high protein level of 19 grams or 38 percent of the daily recommended value per serving, garbanzo beans are a hit when it comes to leguminous superfoods. Known across the world as chickpeas, these seeds first sprouted in Western Asia thousands of years ago. They are a staple in many countries, with India calling it the popular term chana. It is brown or tan in color with a bloated cubical body. 

12. Garden Pea

The garden pea refers to the edible seed of the pod fruit of the Pisum savitum species of legumes. Its other name is garden pea and it is grown annually. It is commonly purchased as fresh measured grocery or as frozen food in cold stores. In its dried form, the garden pea makes classy meals that are packed with protein at about 10 percent of the daily recommendation. The peas are associated with the father of plant genetics, Mendel, who famously observed that: 

  •  Peas are green or yellow.
  • The pod shape is shrunken or bloated.
  • The pods are similarly colored as the seeds. 

13. Garlic 

A very aromatic spice with a strong smell, garlic is one of the foremost food garnishing agents. Some interesting bits of the onion-family bulbous plant include the fact that it is so loved in Asia, that Russians who used to attend the Nuremberg trials in WWII would ship garlic back to the Netherlands where it was not available, just to adorn their meals. It can spice up almost any soup, salad, sauces, stirred dishes and baked foods. 

Related: Get to know more about garlic prices in Pakistan.

14. Globe Artichoke

This anti-nausea green is a mold of flowers that have just budded before they are mature enough to bloom. The rest of the plant is inedible and thus the need to harvest it early. This edible summer flower is a variety of one of the species of artichokes and goes by the botanical name Cynara scolymus. The tried and true benefits of eating globe artichoke include:

  • It helps with nausea and vomiting.
  • Overcomes muscle spasms.
  • Lowers gas in the gut. 

15. Goa Bean

Goa bean or four-cornered bean or cigarillas is a legume whose pods strikingly look like a serrated green leaf. It is a winged variety that grows by climbing on supports. In this aspect it imitates the garden pole bean which spreads vertically on a climbing support. Loved to bits as a plant by south Asians for its resilience in the field, the Goa bean is also a major part of cuisine. Virtually everything from its leaves to the roots are edible. The beans and pods, even flowers, are eaten raw or cooked. 

16. Grass

It may not be a practical food to think about, and people can better leave it to the cows to graze. However, grass is edible and healthy. It is rich in protein and in the green pigment known as chlorophyll.  It is a vital source of magnesium and other minerals including iron and calcium. It was one of the first foods of ancient humans millions of years ago.The problem with grass is that it is relatively indigestible in the human gut because of a heavy dose of fiber at 4.6 grams.

17. Green Beans

Green beans are the yet-undeveloped young pods of the runner bean. They are also labeled as French beans and snap beans, among other terminologies. The pods and the tender seeds within them are edible, which differentiates them from mature beans whose pods are inedible. In terms of nutrition, green beans serve you with:

  • 27 percent vitamin C worth of your  daily requirements.
  • Dietary fiber at 13 percent of your daily  requirements. 

18. Green Gram

Green gram is the official name of the mung bean, a leguminous crop. As a plant, it grows into a yellow-flowered vine crested with brown pods that  enclose the green grams. It is an Asian staple with hard seeds that have to be boiled before featuring in dishes. Its ground form, it is a source of rich protein. Dishes embellished with this legume are normally sweet and on the savory side. 

19. Green Soybean

Green soybean is the undeveloped young of the soybean, usually different from regular soybeans. In color, they are green rather than the typical light brown, tan and beige of the mature typical soya. The green soybean is the subject of the edamame dish, a beloved part of Japanese cuisine. The meal derived from these legumes is protein-rich and energy-filled. 

20. Groundnut 

Another name for peanuts, the groundnut is the underground corm of the earth nut tree. It is popular throughout the world, especially in Asia. It is available as a roast without its shell in supermarkets and green grocers. In taste it is sweet and has a salty aroma especially when conditioned by salt.  

Dairy and eggs that start with G

From gourmet cheeses to golden-yolked eggs, enjoy a delightful range of flavors that comes from dairy and eggs.

21. Ghee

One of India’s and south Asia’s classic milk-based appetizers, ghee is butter that has been clarified. Since ancient times, Indians have always removed concentrates like water and milk solids, leaving only the essential fat. Taking the color of its content, it is mostly yellow in tinge. In India, it is a part of cuisine, doubles as herbal medicine and is used even in spiritual rituals. It is considered healthier than butter because it contains fewer solids and more pure fats. You may want to try three vintage ghee culinary flavors including:

  • Rosemary Garlic Ghee
  • Chocolate Ghee
  • Turmeric Ghee 

22. Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is among the most traditional and healthiest of cheeses available. As testament to one of the very first animals to be tamed by man, goat milk is rich in fat, clocking 104 percent of the daily needs. There are three ways to make the cheese:

  • Soft curdling, which leads to a soft, smooth finish.
  • Aging: aged goat cheese has a fermented flavor because of a lengthy curing period.
  • Hardening: hard cheese is one that has been dried to a crisp bar. 

23. Gorgonzola

With 25 to 35 percent fat content, Gorgonzola passes as rich Italian blue cheese that is marked with decorative veins. It is a product of cow’s milk that has undergone no skimming, meaning all solids and content are there. In terms of taste, gorgonzola is very salty but this can be adjusted with neutralizing agents. You can have it creamy soft, hard and firm or bread-crumbly in form. 

 24. Gouda

Gouda is a specialty cheese from Holland whose wide popularity has made it a household generic name. Virtually almost all cheeses made today in the Netherlands are loosely termed as Gouda, irrespective of their make. True Gouda, however, is creamy, sweet flavored and purely yellow in tinge. The interior of the cheese is a dark ivory hue, while that of the cured type has a golden hue, firmer texture and more salt in flavor. It is a product of cow’s milk.  

25. Greek Yogurt

Whenever milk curdles down, it settles into two parts, the watery part and curds. The watery part or whey is usually removed in some cheese-making traditions, and in this definition you have the classic Greek yogurt. This nutritious, protein-rich milk product is a strained variety, which indicates its thicker pasty quality owing to the removal of water. It is buttery, soft and a creamy white in color.  It has the natural sour flavor of yogurt. 

Grains and seeds that start with G

Time to explore the diverse flavors and embrace the wholesome goodness of the pantry essentials. 

26. Golden Grahams 

Though recently discontinued, Golden Grahams has been for a long time a beloved alternative cereal branded product from Nestle company globally and distributed by General Mills Cereal in North America. Its contents included corn syrup with colors and other additives. It contained 11 grams of whole cereal out of the 48 needed per day. Its founding date was 1976 and ceased to be sold in as late as 2023.  

27. Grain

The term grain applies to the seed of grain-producing crops, with cereals and legumes being the main sources. However, most people use the term grain synonymous with cereals, indicating maize (corn), rice, wheat, barley, oats, among others. Three resilient weather types of grains include:

  • Sorghum
  • Millet
  • Rye

28. Green Corn

Green corn or baby corn is the still undeveloped stage of maize. It is usually corn that has produced ears but the combs are still undeveloped. The corn is usually tender, milky and sweet unlike the hard grains of mature maize. Some of the biggest producers of this crop include the United States. 

29. Grist

The term grist is just a secondary word for the  status of maize or corn that has been ground. It can also indicate grain or a sack of grain being taken to the mill for grinding. There are three products associated with grist, including:

  • Maize flour.
  • Corn Offal.
  • Cornmeal.  

30. Groats

Another indistinct term like grist, groats indicate a status of grain about to be milled after hulling, other than a specific product. Such grain can be wheat, oats, barley or corn. It is usually denuded of its outer skin so that only the soft endosperm and protein, fiber and cereal germ are left. The groats are then taken to the meal in batches for grinding to produce softer flour than that of whole grain. 

Related: Prices of Groats in Brazil  

Meat, poultry and fish that start with G

Meat  is loved and enjoyed in various forms around the world, so is poultry. In fact we can dare say that apart from vegetarians, this is perhaps the most popular category of foods around the world. Across dinner tables in millions of households and eating places around the world, you will rarely fail to find meat, poultry or fish when it’s time for the main meals.

Here are the meat, poultry and fish that start with G!.

31. Gammon

Gammon is the hind leg of a pig that has been cured and smoked the same way as ham. In fact, it is ham, only that it is not sold as ready meat. Some pork experts also connote it to the lower part of the side bacon though this is rarely used as a definition. Two distinguishing curing features add to gammon’s pork flavor, including: dry-salting, brining and smoking. 

32. Gigot

Gigot is the chop from the center of a lamb’s leg. In everyday language, it is also used in insulting terms to refer to a person’s leg!  It is a popular grilling and barbeque meat chop for mutton lovers. You can also slow-roast it and coat it with flour to make a moisture-trapping broast out of its rich flesh.Some of the special qualities about gigot is its tenderness, juiciness and largesse. 

33. Goat

A cousin of the sheep, as they come from the same domesticated animals’ tribe called Caprini, goats are some of the earliest tamed mammals in southwest Asia and the eastern part of Europe. The animals live to about 15 to 18 years. Males develop horns and a beard and both sexes have a clear coat of fur that does not grow long like that of sheep. Also called mutton, goat meat is a delicacy in most parts of the world. With a mature adult weighing 140 kilos at its peak, one can expect enough meat from a single animal to last a family several days. 

Related: Read more about the country with some of the biggest goat herds in the world in China goat meat price insights. 

34. Goose

A versatile, fearless domesticated waterfowl, a goose is one of the more commoner guarding birds in places where dogs are absent because of its ability to detect the slightest of sounds in the surrounding. It has similar physical attributes as a duck, including webbed feet. However, geese are larger than ducks, have long necks contrasted with short limbs, and thick short beaks. They emit a hissing sound when aroused by a passing person or animal. The most common color of the bird is white.  Here are common food and commercial uses of geese:

  • Meat source, especially holiday goose meat.
  • Making foie gras, a dish from the bird’s fatty liver.
  • Feather gathering. The pure and long feathers are quite catching in the feather market.

35. Grasshopper

Yes, they are edible and nutritious! Grasshoppers are insects that hop over grass and have a chewing ability. They are quite old, with accounts dating them to 250 million years to date. The most common grasshopper dish is chapulines, a toasted or fried Mexican delicacy. It is made after seasoning the insect with strong garlic mixed with lime and chili. Though, you can take chapulin salt- and spice-free but it will be rather unsavory in taste.  Eating the bug gives you 40% protein per day, more than a hen’s egg will provide. 

 36. Ground Beef

A key ingredient of hamburgers, sausages, bolognese sauce and other stuffings, ground beef refers to beef that has been minced. It is usually slabs of meat that are passed through a grinder and fine-tuned into small easy-to-chew particles. It is still as rich as whole beef cuts in terms of fat and other nutrients that include:

  • 332 calories worth of energy of the recommended daily value.
  • 46 percent fat, most of it saturated per the daily value. 
  • Vitamin B6 at 15 percent of the daily needs.  

Also check: The Key Nutrients in Raw ground Beef

37. Grouse

Grouse is one of those plump birds that give the male more beauty than the female. Not only is the male bigger, but it is resplendent with colorful allure in its feathers, including the feathered legs. The bird is usually colored and ruffled in alternating patterns of shades.  It belongs to the order of fowls, known as Galliformes. The appearance of ruffed grouse meat falls between white and dark, pretty much that of a chicken’s. However, the taste is mild and gamey in aroma, especially leg and back chops. 

38. Gruyere Cheese

Gruyere cheese is a time-honored Swiss cheese that has seen a changing its naming code over the years. Between 2001 and 2013, the name had changed considerably in the French language. To make Gruyere cheese, you need to age it for a period between six months and a year after harvesting it from whole cow’s milk. In terms of color, it is yellow like honey, in texture it is firm, while in taste it has a sweet-salty flavor.   

Spices, oils and condiments that start with G

Here is to enjoying the aroma and exquisite flavors from the spices, oils, and condiments that begin with the letter G. 

39. Garlic Chive

The species Allium tuberosum or garlic chive is a herb that grows naturally in Shanxi, China, and enjoys wide adoption in other parts of Asia. The edible leaves of the plant are like those of chives but have a strong garlic aroma. In the garden or out of the garden, bunches of garlic chives retain their graceful green beauty even when minus their attractive flowers. Other than spicing up meals, the plant is traditionally used in China for treating hemorrhages and toning down the effects of specific poisoning cases.  

40. Gherkin

Gherkin refers to both the veggie fruit of a cucumber look-alike plant, and a dish of small cucumbers that have been pickled.  As a plant, gherkin is a tiny, tapered, oval fruit that resembles a cucumber. A prepared baby cucumber or more specifically pickled gherkin is usually prepared in brine and kept aside for a while to ferment inside an acidic medium. It is highly nutritious, containing half the bodily requirements for sodium per day.

41. Ginger

Ginger is an edible rhizome or root which some call ginger root, for spicing meals and tea. It is also a common extract for preparing traditional medicine. The plant grows as a pseudostem that can reach a meter in height, espousing its thin bladed leaves. As a condiment, it has a burning spicy taste with pungent highlights. Its culinary uses, especially in India and Arabia include:

  • Making  an aromatic beverage in Western Asia known as ginger tea.
  • Cake pie, biscuit and cookie flavoring. 

42. Ginger Root

As the rhizome of the spicy plant, ginger root is the source of the popular Western Asian ginger root tea. Making a cupful of the aromatic beverage requires the following ingredients: a two-inch long root (equal to duo tablespoons of the root’s powder), citrus juice (particularly lime or lemon), water and sugar. Benefits for drinking this peppery drink from ginger root include: 

  • Helps with lowering digestive problems, including stomach discomfort. 
  • Lowers high blood pressure.
  • Serves as a migraine and headache tonic. 

43.  Gluten

Gluten is whole protein and the stretching component of some cereal seeds. It is however loosely used as a term for wheat protein. It is what makes for consistency and elasticity in dough, making it a necessary requirement for making wheat flour-based foods.  Three common sources of gluten include:

  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Rye 

On the cautionary side, persons suffering from celiac ailment normally have an allergic reaction to gluten.

44. Green Pepper (Bell Pepper) 

Another term for unripe bell pepper, green pepper is one of the widely grown crops among capsicums. It has color allure too: besides the base green when it is still young, varieties turn yellow, scarlet, white, orange and even candy colors when ripened. It has a mildly spicy flavor with hints of sweetness in terms of taste. Green pepper is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, with 100 grams of green pepper containing approximately 80.4 mg of vitamin C.  

Ready meals and various dishes that start with G

Here are the mouthwatering assortment of ready meals to satisfy your cravings. 

45. Galantine

Galantine is what you usually like to call a dish within a dish. Essentially, it is white meat or fish with bone prepared and pressed separately, then served when cold in an aspic. An aspic is a bowl-shaped meat blend jelly that acts as an edible serviette for the cold meat meal. The most typical galantine dishes are made as cylindrical stuffings. The recipe is a key part of French cuisine. 

46. Game Pie

Game pie is game meat that is prepared as pie. It was first popularized in the Roman era with the most common game being hare, pheasant and deer.  It would reach its apotheosis in 19th century England when it would be a common part of aspic dishes. Today, common recipes of game pie include venison and pheasant done in breaded cupcakes with crisp texture. 

47.  Garlic Bread

Garlic bread is a very nutritious spiced bread that is garnished with garlic, olive oil and even butter as toppings. Extra garnishing may come from chives and other herbs. After mixing the ingredients, the baked food is then put into a grill till it turns brown before serving.  Owing to its rich ingredients, garlic bread is laden with the following nutrients worth of daily value percentages:

  • 22 percent sodium
  • 14 percent carbohydrates and 10 percent dietary fiber
  • 17 percent iron
  • The rest is fat at 26 percent 

48. Garnish

One of those very common yet elusive terms, garnish describes a method of food flavoring rather than a specific food. It literally means to decorate or embellish food so that it tastes better or different. In a cold cocktail drink, a garnish may come in the form of citrus fruit drops that give the drink a fruity taste. In a meat dish, the garnish, usually added raw after the meal is done, can be chive leaves. Almost all spices can double as garnishes, from basil to oregano.  

49. Gateu

Gateu is a fancy French dessert cake that has less icing but more layers than a typical butter cake. Instead of only buttering on the top, Gateaux include buttered layers and hence their fancy appeal. The sponge cake’s layers are stuffed with dessert of cream and mousse, and sometimes, with even fresh fruit chops. Because of its perishable nature, the sweet cake is made and served within a day. 

50. Gatsby

Gatsby is a submarine sandwich from South Africa. A submarine sandwich as used in North American cuisine is a lengthy bread roll that is stuffed with meat and vegetables. The South African version is made up of a bread roll that is bloated with chips and local sauces. Its origin is Cape Town. Like the synonymous chief character from the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby tries to keep its contents a mystery behind its bread roll!

51. Gelatin

Gelatin is one of those important proteins prepared from cow and pig collagen. It features in medicines as the outer coat of capsules and in cosmetic and beauty oils. It is derived from the bones, skin and cartilage of livestock. Like the collagen from which it is derived, its intake can boost collagen production in a person’s body. In texture, this protein is like rubber to the touch when it is moist and brittle when it is dry.

52. General Tso’s Chicken

Among the Chinese dishes served in the US and Canada, few beat the tantalizing effect of General Tso’s chicken. This nutritious dish is exclusive for its sweet, spicy aroma as it is deep fried to give it a distinctive taste. To spice up the meat, hot sauce made of garlic and chili are added. The nutrients in the dish include:

  • Iron, calcium and magnesium at 6, 1 and 4 percent of the daily values respectively.
  • Vitamins B6,  C and D at 10, 2 and 1 percent worth of the daily needs, respectively. 

53. Genoise

Genoise refers to a vintage sponge cake that is embellished with butter and yolks from eggs. Its classic cuisine status owes to its mild taste, which makes it act further as a perfect base for garnishing any other European cake. On its own, however, genoise is topped with syrup flavoring to moisten the cake. The cake is baked to thinness with the main ingredients being sugared wheat flour and eggs. 

54. Gingerbread

Gingerbread is one among many similar baked breads. It is distinct however for having the chief flavoring agent of ginger. Additional spices include cloves as well as cinnamon that are sugared or honeyed. Some bakers even add molasses as an extra ingredient. There are two common types:

  • Whole moist loaf ginger bread that leaves a spongy feel in the mouth.
  • Hard crisp snap-style cake with hard texture. 

55. Gingersnap Cookies

Gingersnap cookies are some of the more popular crisp confectioneries you can find at your nearest baker’s. They are one of the many variations of gingerbread, whose main ingredient is wheat flour, eggs and ginger root. Unlike spongy gingerbread, gingersnap cookies are hard and crunchy. They are perfect appetizers with a sweet, spicy flavor. 

56. Glaze

Glaze, as in glazing, is a way of reducing cooking fat or jam and applying it  on food as a glossy finished topping. It is the same word that you use to describe a see-through finish that a carpenter adds to a furniture’s top, to give it a beautiful shine. The most common sweet and savory glazes in food include: 

  • Egg whites that are brushed over the top of vegetables or meat.
  • Icings on top of beverages.
  • Butter, cooking fat, fruit juice and jam that is oiled on top of fruits such as glazed walnuts.

57. Goulash

If you are familiar with the Hungarian paprika, which is a brightly colored seasoning powder, then you must know goulash. It is a soup and, other times, a stew of meat mixed with vegetables, all spiced with paprika. It is a common dish in much of the countries neighboring Hungary, besides being a Hungarian national dish.  

58. Graham Crackers

Graham crackers are made of graham flour (a whole wheat flour that is not sifted). This makes it a rich, nutritious candy and besides, it is  a classic of American snacks. Originally made in 1880 in its commercial form, the graham cracker is heavy with cinnamon and honey aromas. It is rich in iron at 20 percent of the daily value and protein at 14 percent of the daily requirements, with sodium coming at 19 percent and carbs at a lush 25 percent. 

59. Granola 

A mishmash of all sorts of nutritious nuts and grains, particularly rice, granola  is a rich snack that ranks as a classic breakfast cereal in the US. It is made of oats, nut seeds and honey with optional brown sugar, which are mixed with puffed rice as an optional protein. The whole nutty concoction is toasted till it turns a savory brown. It is rich in protein, dietary fiber, carbs, magnesium and iron.

60. Gravy

Another common elusive food term, gravy describes a sauce made of the  collected juices that form during the cooking process of a meaty broth. These meat oils and savory fluids are collected and coated with wheat flour or even starch from corn to thicken them. Additional ingredients of this mouth-watering gravy include milk and a small pint of water.

61. Greek Salad

An all-purpose nutritious dish, the Greek salad is a common and very liked vegetable salad that locals call horiatiki salad. It contains tomato chops, cucumbers, onions and local cheese mixed with olives. It is further seasoned with salt and spices, including local oregano. Olive oil is used as the frying agent, with a few measures of berries and green pepper chops coming as extra garnishing.

62. Green Tea Noodles

Green tea noodles are noodles with the distinctive aroma of green tea. In Japan they are known as soba noodles. They are great spicy delights that can be stir-fried and made into a sauce that is lush with sesame flavor. When done, green tea noodles are soft and give out a pleasant aromatic whiff. 

63.  Grilled Asparagus

Asparagus is a great herb for health and can turn into a golden delight if roasted. Yes, grilled asparagus spears are one of the hot-served dishes that roast fast and will leave you salivating for more. Here is how to grill the herbs:

  • Coat the asparagus bars in olive oil and then place them on a preheated grill.
  • You can additionally sprinkle the  tender spears with seasoning, including pepper and salt.
  • Heat for two to three minutes until they turn a crisp brown on all sides, then put them again in a medium heat grill for an extra five minutes, till they are ready.

64. Gruel

Gruel is a liquid meal that is made up of oatmeal thinly boiled in water or milk.  Other kinds of cereals ranging from rye to wheat and rice also serve the purpose. The meal is like porridge only that it is on the thinner side. Because it is sipped, it can be classified as a beverage, too. Gruel is often associated with the poor in the Western world from a historical perspective. 

65. Guacamole

Guacamole is one of those fairy-tale modern fruit-based diets that emanated from the local dishes of the Aztec Indians, dating back to the 16th century. The name of this dish deriving from pounded creamy hass avocados is from a mispronunciation by Spanish conquistadors who could not say ‘ahuaca-mulli’ like the locals did.  It is still a meal loved by Europeans and tropical inhabitants alike owing to its nutty taste and richness in vitamins and protein.

66. Gum 

Gum or chewing gum is a sugared cohesive candy which, unlike sweets, is only chewed and not swallowed. It is made of gum base and softening agents, with added aroma. Mint flavor is one of the most common aromas. The sweet coating of gum is actually polyol in powder form.

Beverages that start with G

Beat the heat with rain of beverages that start with the letter G. 

67. Galliano

An Italian liquor of choice, Galliano is a branded herbal drink in sweetened form that was first produced in 1896 by a veteran who had served in the first Italian campaign in Ethiopia.  As a product of two worlds, the beer is manifest with vanilla and anise nuances.  It also has overtones of lavender and juniper among other flavors. This complex aroma is what makes it a hit with both local and international liquor lovers. 

68. Gimlet

A cocktail mixed from lime and gin fruit mixture, gimlet is famous both as a drink and as a word. As a word, it is descriptive of a mixture of gin and lime while in fiction, it was immortalized by an augmented description by Raymond Chandler in his novel, The Long Goodbye, also made into a successful movie. In mixing terms, it contains four parts of gin or vodka and 1 part lime juice.  It is served singly or with a side slice of lemon.

69. Gin

Gin is a clear alcoholic spirit that is made from the distilling of barley malt or grain. Juniper berries are used as a garnishing flavor. It is usually 35 to 60 percent alcohol. It was first used as a drink in the 11th century of the common era and since then, numerous brands of gin have come into the scene. Overall, there are two types of gin:

  • Distilled gin is simply firsthand distillation of alcohol and grain mash.
  • Redistilled gin is made from secondhand distilled spirit.

70. Glogg

Glogg is a low alcoholic drink and a Christmas holiday signifier in Nordic nations. It is taken by Swedes, Norwegians and Danes in the heart of winter  as a spicy cocktail with around 7 percent fermented alcohol base or more. Its main appeal lies in the thick cinnamon and cloves mixture or either of the two blended with alcohol. It is also regarded as wine or spirit.

71. Grappa

Grappa is an Italian brandy that is made by distilling the left-over lees of pressed grapes including stems, skin, dehydrated flesh and seeds. As such, it is one of those surprise products that eventually become popular: in fact, it was first prepared as a means to minimize waste during the making of grape wine. In terms of aroma, grappa is pleasantly smelling. Its alcohol content  is 35-60%. Some wine connoisseurs praise it for its superior burning taste, with a flavor more nearing tequila than grapes.

72.  Grog 

Grog is a liquor that is mixed with water but it can also refer to many types of alcohol drinks. Its original meaning was rum that was diluted to taste. The term grog was used in the 18th century to refer to a coat worn by a navy officer from Britain, pun-named ‘Old Grog.’

73. Guinness Beer 

A famous and still popular alcoholic drink, Guinness is a dry stout  that first came up at an eponymous brewery in Ireland in 1759. Since then, it has always ranked as one of the most sold beers by volume across the world.  It contains 4.2 percent alcohol content. 

You may also want to check beer prices in the United States

74. Githeri

Githeri is a typical traditional Kenyan dish made from boiled whole maize grains mixed with legumes, principally beans. The mixture is traditionally cooked in hot water in an earthen cooking pot or in modern terms, a sufuria.Alternatively called muthere in the Kikuyu dialect, githeri is eaten with seasoning salt.straight after boiling. In restaurants, however, the boiled mixture is fried with vegetable salads and made into a savory meal known as irio, which translates to ‘food’ in Central Kenya’s vernacular. The dish may or may not contain soup.

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