This collection includes a wide range of food options that start with letter C. It’s a resource intended to expand your culinary horizons and enhance your understanding of the diverse and bountiful offerings the world of food has to offer.

From fiber-rich carrots and vitamin C-packed citrus fruits to calcium-rich cheese and protein-packed chicken, these foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients necessary for optimal health.

Here we go!

Vegetables & Fruits

The vegetables and fruits that start with C  present a colorful mixture of the seasons with an abundance that not only excites the taste senses but also supplies vital elements for a satisfying and balanced diet.

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that comes in various colors, including green, purple, and white. It is known for its crunchy texture and distinct flavor. 

Vitamin C is the most prominent nutrient that is found in cabbage, with quantities that surpass the likes of oranges, making it an excellent immune-boosting food.

Related: Key Nutrients In Cabbage

2. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is a juicy and sweet melon that is particularly popular during the summer. Its vibrant orange flesh and refreshing taste make it a favorite for salads, smoothies, or enjoyed on its own. One exciting fact about cantaloupe is its high water content, making it a hydrating fruit choice. With approximately 90% water, cantaloupe not only provides a delicious treat but also helps to quench thirst and keep you hydrated on hot days.

Related: The Nutrients in one cup of Cantaloupe

3. Capulin Cherry

Capulin cherries, also known as wild cherries, are small red fruits bursting with flavor. These cherries have a tart taste that complements their natural sweetness. While they may not be as widely recognized as other cherry varieties, capulin cherries offer a unique and exciting twist to traditional cherry flavors.

4. Carrot

Carrots are root vegetables known for their vibrant orange color and sweet, crunchy taste. They are packed with essential nutrients, including beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. One intriguing fact about carrots is their versatility in culinary applications. They can be enjoyed raw as a snack, added to salads, or used in a variety of cooked dishes, such as stir-fries, soups, and stews. Carrots not only provide a satisfying crunch but also offer a host of valuable nutrients.

5. Cassava

Cassava, also known as yuca, is a starchy tuber widely consumed in tropical regions. It is a staple food for millions of people around the world. One intriguing fact about cassava is its ability to thrive in poor soil conditions, making it a valuable crop in areas with limited agricultural resources. Cassava can be prepared in various ways, including boiling, frying, or baking. It is used to make flours, chips, and even beverages. With its mild flavor and versatility, cassava is a unique and fascinating ingredient in many cuisines.

How about nutrients? Check out the key nutrients in Cassava including proteins and vitamins 

6. Cauliflower

Cauliflower has gained popularity as a healthy and versatile vegetable. It has a mild, slightly nutty flavor and a firm yet tender texture. 

A great advantage about cauliflower is its ability to be transformed into a gluten-free alternative to grains like rice or used as a low-carb substitute for mashed potatoes. Additionally, cauliflower is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a nutritious addition to your diet. From roasted cauliflower steaks to creamy cauliflower soup, this vegetable offers endless possibilities for creative and flavorful dishes.

7. Celery

Celery is a crisp and crunchy vegetable with a mild, refreshing taste. It is well-known for its low calorie content and high fiber content, making it a popular choice for weight loss or healthy snacking. One intriguing fact about celery is its negative calorie myth. While it is true that celery is very low in calories, the idea that it takes more calories to digest than it provides is not entirely accurate. Nevertheless, celery remains a nutritious and hydrating vegetable that can be enjoyed raw, added to soups, or used as a flavorful ingredient in stir-fries and salads.

8. Chard

Chard, also known as Swiss chard, is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the same family as beets and spinach. It features vibrant, colorful stems and dark green leaves. One intriguing fact about chard is its exceptional nutrient density. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like iron and magnesium. Chard can be prepared by sautéing, steaming, or adding it to soups and stews. Its earthy and slightly bitter taste adds depth to various dishes while providing a range of health benefits.

9. Cherimoya

Cherimoya, also known as “custard apple,” is a tropical fruit with a creamy and custard-like texture. It has a sweet and tropical flavor that is often described as a combination of pineapple, banana, and strawberry. One intriguing fact about cherimoya is its historical significance as a revered fruit by ancient Incan civilizations. They considered it a “fruit of the gods” and believed it had mystical properties. Cherimoya is best enjoyed fresh, simply scooped out with a spoon. Its unique flavor and texture make it a delightful and exotic treat.

10. Cherries

Cherries are small, round fruits that come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, and black. They are known for their sweet and tangy flavor. One intriguing fact about cherries is their high antioxidant content. They are rich in compounds such as anthocyanins and vitamin C, which contribute to their vibrant colors and provide numerous health benefits. Cherries are also known for their potential anti-inflammatory properties, making them a popular choice for promoting joint health and reducing muscle soreness.

11. Clementine

Clementines are small, seedless citrus fruits that are a hybrid between a mandarin orange and a sweet orange. They are easy to peel, making them a convenient and portable snack. One exciting fact about clementines is their association with the holiday season. They are often considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity during the winter months. Clementines are packed with vitamin C, providing a refreshing and immune-boosting snack during the colder seasons. Their juicy segments and sweet flavor make them a favorite addition to fruit salads, smoothies, or enjoyed on their own as a healthy and satisfying treat.

12. Collard greens

Collard greens are leafy vegetables that belong to the same family as cabbage and kale. They have dark green, broad leaves with a slightly bitter taste. One interesting fact about collard greens is their remarkable nutritional profile. They are packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as fiber and calcium, making them a nutritious addition to any meal. Collard greens are often used in Southern cuisine, where they are simmered with ham hocks or other seasonings to create a flavorful side dish.

13. Concord grapes

Concord grapes are small, dark-purple grapes that are highly aromatic and sweet. They are known for their bold and distinctive flavor, which sets them apart from other grape varieties. One intriguing fact about Concord grapes is their role in the creation of grape juice. They were specifically bred for their intense flavor and are commonly used in the production of grape juice, jellies, and jams. Concord grapes are also rich in antioxidants, including resveratrol, which is associated with various health benefits. Whether enjoyed fresh or transformed into other delicious forms, Concord grapes provide a burst of flavor and nutritional goodness.

14. Cucumber

Cucumbers are cylindrical, green vegetables with a crisp and refreshing texture. They are often enjoyed raw in salads or used to make pickles. One intriguing fact about cucumbers is their high water content, which makes them an excellent choice for hydration. With over 95% water content, cucumbers not only help quench thirst but also contribute to overall hydration. Additionally, cucumbers are low in calories and a good source of vitamins and minerals, making them a healthy and versatile addition to your diet.

Research has shown that the FO12 strain of Fusarium oxysporum fungus promotes the natural fertilization of cucumber plants, enhancing their responses to iron deficiency and improving growth, making cucumbers an even more beneficial addition to your diet. 

15. Cactus Pear

Cactus pear, also known as prickly pear, is a fruit that grows on the pads of the prickly pear cactus. It has a vibrant and unique appearance with a spiky exterior and a fleshy interior. One intriguing fact about cactus pears is their ability to thrive in harsh desert environments. Despite their arid surroundings, cactus pears produce sweet and juicy fruits that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The fruit can be enjoyed fresh, or used in various culinary preparations such as jams, sorbets, or even savory dishes. Cactus pears offer a refreshing and exotic flavor that adds a touch of adventure to your taste buds.

16. Chayote

Chayote, also known as vegetable pear, is a green, wrinkled fruit that belongs to the gourd family. It has a mild and crisp texture, similar to a cucumber or zucchini. One fascinating fact about chayote is its versatility in culinary applications. It can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, or used as a substitute for other vegetables in various dishes. Chayote is low in calories and a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. With its subtle flavor and unique appearance, chayote adds a delightful twist to both savory and sweet recipes.

17. Chico Fruit

Chico fruit, also known as sapodilla, is a tropical fruit with a brown, rough outer skin and sweet, caramel-like flesh. One captivating fact about chico fruit is its natural sweetness, which comes from a high sugar content without the need for added sugars. It has a custard-like texture and a unique flavor reminiscent of pear, brown sugar, and hints of cinnamon. Chico fruit is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whether enjoyed fresh or used in desserts and smoothies, chico fruit offers a delectable and tropical treat that satisfies the sweet tooth.

18. Courgette

Courgette, also known as zucchini, is a summer squash with a mild and slightly sweet flavor. It has a smooth, green skin and a tender flesh. One fascinating fact about courgette is its versatility in the kitchen. It can be eaten raw in salads, sautéed, grilled, or used as a healthy pasta substitute. Courgette is low in calories and a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber. With its versatility and nutritional benefits, courgette offers a tasty and nutritious addition to a variety of dishes, showcasing its culinary flexibility.

Bakery items that start with C

Cake is a beloved dessert made with a combination of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. It comes in various flavors, shapes, and sizes, and is often frosted or decorated. But cake is definitely not the only baked food that starts with C, there are many more and here is the full list:

19. Challah

Challah is a traditional Jewish bread typically enjoyed on Shabbat and other festive occasions. It is characterized by its rich, slightly sweet flavor and soft, fluffy texture. Challah is made with ingredients such as flour, water, yeast, eggs, and honey. While the exact nutrient quantities may vary, challah is a good source of carbohydrates and proteins. It is widely consumed in Jewish communities around the world, with notable popularity in Israel, the United States, and Europe.

20. Cheesecake

Cheesecake is a luscious and indulgent dessert consisting of a creamy, cheese-based filling on a crust usually made from crushed cookies or graham crackers. It can be baked or refrigerated, resulting in different textures and flavors. Cheesecake is rich in carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, with the exact nutrient content varying depending on the recipe and toppings. While its exact origin is debated, cheesecake has become a popular dessert in many cultures worldwide. It is enjoyed in various forms and flavors, with New York-style cheesecake being particularly famous. The largest producers of cheesecake are found in the United States, European countries, and Canada.

21. Chiffon Cake

Chiffon cake is a light and airy dessert known for its delicate texture and moistness. It is made with ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, and oil, which contribute to its unique characteristics. While the nutrient content may vary depending on the specific recipe, chiffon cake is generally a good source of carbohydrates and fats. Prominently, it provides a significant amount of energy due to its high carbohydrate content. Chiffon cake is enjoyed globally, with variations in flavors and toppings. It is particularly popular in Asian cuisines, such as pandan-flavored chiffon cake in Southeast Asia and matcha (green tea) chiffon cake in Japan.

22. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice derived from the bark of certain tree species. It is known for its warm, sweet aroma and distinct flavor. While it is commonly used to enhance the taste of various bakery items, cinnamon also offers potential health benefits. It contains antioxidants and has been associated with anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming cinnamon in small quantities may contribute to blood sugar control and improve insulin sensitivity. It is a versatile spice used in a wide range of bakery goods, such as cinnamon rolls, apple pies, and coffee cakes, adding a delightful and aromatic touch to these treats.

23. Club Sandwich

A club sandwich is a classic sandwich made with layers of toasted bread, typically filled with sliced poultry, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. It is a hearty and satisfying meal option. While the nutrient content of a club sandwich can vary based on the specific ingredients and portion sizes, it generally provides a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The turkey or chicken in a club sandwich is a notable source of lean protein. Additionally, the vegetables, such as lettuce and tomato, contribute essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Club sandwiches are enjoyed worldwide, often served as a popular choice for lunch or a quick bite.

24. Cookie

A cookie is a baked sweet treat made with ingredients such as flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and flavorings like vanilla or chocolate chips. While the nutrient content varies depending on the recipe and size of the cookie, they are typically rich in carbohydrates and fats. Cookies often provide a delicious indulgence, satisfying cravings for something sweet. They come in numerous flavors, shapes, and textures, ranging from soft and chewy to crispy and crunchy. Cookies are enjoyed worldwide, with a wide variety of traditional and innovative recipes. They are a popular accompaniment to a cup of tea or coffee and a favorite choice for dessert or snacking.

25. Cornbread

Cornbread is a traditional bread made from cornmeal, flour, eggs, and milk or buttermilk. It has a slightly sweet and hearty flavor, with a crumbly texture. Cornbread is a good source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber. It also contains essential minerals such as iron and magnesium. Cornbread is particularly associated with Southern cuisine in the United States, where it is commonly served as a side dish with savory meals like chili, stews, or barbecue. Its versatility allows it to be enjoyed in various forms, including muffins or as a base for stuffing. Cornbread has become a beloved staple in many households, both in the United States and beyond.

26. Croissant

Croissant is a buttery and flaky pastry of French origin. It is made with layers of yeast-leavened dough and butter, resulting in a light and airy texture. Croissants are typically high in carbohydrates and fats due to the butter used in the preparation. While the nutrient content may vary depending on the size and specific ingredients, croissants are often enjoyed as a delightful breakfast or snack. They can be enjoyed plain or filled with various ingredients like chocolate, almond paste, or ham and cheese. Croissants are a popular bakery. 

27. Cronut

Cronut is a delectable pastry that combines the flaky texture of a croissant with the deep-fried goodness of a donut. It is made by frying laminated dough, similar to croissant dough, and then filled, glazed, or dusted with sugar. While the nutrient content of a cronut may vary based on the specific recipe and fillings, it is generally high in carbohydrates and fats. One notable nutrient found in cronuts is their energy content. A single cronut can provide around 400-500 calories, making it a decadent and indulgent treat. Cronuts gained popularity when they were first introduced in New York City and have since become a sought-after bakery item in many parts of the world.

28. Calzone

Calzone is a folded Italian pastry that resembles a turnover or a folded pizza. It is typically made with pizza dough filled with ingredients such as cheese, meats, vegetables, and sauce. The nutrient content of a calzone varies based on the specific fillings and proportions. However, it generally provides carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and various essential vitamins and minerals. One prominent nutrient found in calzones is protein, which comes from ingredients like cheese and meats. A single calzone can provide around 15-20 grams of protein, depending on the size and filling choices. Calzones are popular in Italian cuisine and are enjoyed worldwide as a delicious and satisfying meal or snack option.

29. Chapati

Chapati, also known as roti, is a traditional flatbread widely consumed in Indian cuisine. It is made from whole wheat flour, water, and sometimes oil or ghee. Chapatis are typically low in fat and a good source of carbohydrates and dietary fiber. One prominent nutrient in chapatis is dietary fiber. A single chapati, approximately 6-inch in diameter, can provide around 2-3 grams of dietary fiber. This fiber content aids in digestion, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and contributes to a feeling of fullness. Chapatis are a staple food in India and are consumed alongside various curries, vegetables, or lentils.

30. Christmas Cake

Christmas cake is a rich and fruit-filled cake traditionally enjoyed during the holiday season. It is made with ingredients such as dried fruits, nuts, spices, and alcohol, which contribute to its distinctive flavor. While the nutrient content can vary depending on the specific recipe and portion size, Christmas cakes are generally high in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. One notable nutrient found in Christmas cake is dietary fiber. A slice of Christmas cake, approximately 100 grams, can provide around 2-3 grams of dietary fiber. This fiber content aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Christmas cakes are a beloved tradition in many countries, especially in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other parts of Europe.

31. Christmas Cookies

Christmas cookies are festive treats enjoyed during the holiday season. They come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors, often decorated with icing, sprinkles, or other festive toppings. While the nutrient content of Christmas cookies varies depending on the recipe and decorations, they are generally high in carbohydrates and fats. One prominent nutrient found in Christmas cookies is sugar. The exact sugar content can vary widely depending on the recipe, but it is important to note that Christmas cookies are typically sweet and indulgent treats. Christmas cookies are enjoyed worldwide as part of holiday celebrations, with baking and sharing cookies being a cherished tradition.

32. Cruffins

Cruffins are a delightful pastry that combines the flakiness of a croissant with the shape and texture of a muffin. They are made by baking croissant dough in a muffin tin, resulting in a golden and layered treat. While the nutrient content of a cruffin may vary based on the specific recipe and fillings. 

Desserts & Sweets

If you love the sweet stuff, then you’ll enjoy this amazing selection of desserts and sweets that start with the letter Candy to Creamy pie, it’s a sweet world!

33. Candy

Candy refers to a variety of sweet treats that are typically made with sugar, flavorings, and sometimes other ingredients like chocolate or fruit extracts. While candy is often high in calories and sugars, it is generally low in other nutrients. One notable nutrient found in candy is carbohydrates. Depending on the type, a serving of candy can provide around 15-30 grams of carbohydrates, contributing to its energy content. Candy is produced globally, with notable producers including the United States, Germany, and China. It is consumed worldwide and enjoyed as a sweet indulgence or as part of festive celebrations.

34. Caramel

Caramel is a rich and sweet sauce or confection made by heating sugar until it melts and turns golden brown. It is often used as a topping, filling, or flavoring in various desserts and sweets. Caramel is primarily composed of sugars and has a distinct buttery flavor. While it is mainly enjoyed as a dessert component, caramel can also be used in savory dishes to add a touch of sweetness. The largest producers of caramel worldwide include the United States, France, and Germany. Caramel is consumed globally and adds a delightful sweet note to a wide range of culinary creations.

35. Caramel Apple

Caramel apples are a classic fall treat where fresh apples are coated in a layer of smooth caramel. The combination of tart apple and sweet caramel creates a delicious contrast in flavors and textures. Apples provide dietary fiber and essential vitamins, while caramel contributes carbohydrates and sugars. One notable nutrient found in caramel apples is fiber. A medium-sized caramel apple can provide approximately 4-6 grams of dietary fiber, contributing to digestive health. The largest producers of apples worldwide include China, the United States, and Poland. Caramel apples are popular in countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, where they are often found at fairs, carnivals, and seasonal events.

36. Cassata

Cassata is a traditional Italian dessert that consists of sponge cake layered with sweet ricotta cheese, candied fruit, and a touch of liqueur. The entire cake is usually covered in marzipan or icing and decorated with vibrant colors. Ricotta cheese provides protein and calcium, while the candied fruit adds a burst of sweetness. One prominent nutrient found in cassata is calcium. A slice of cassata can provide approximately 10-15% of the daily recommended intake of calcium, contributing to strong bones and teeth. Cassata is a specialty of Sicilian cuisine and is particularly famous in Italy and other Mediterranean countries.

37. Cotton candy

Cotton candy, also known as candy floss, is a sugary confection made by spinning heated sugar to create delicate threads that are collected on a spinning cone or stick. The result is a fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth treat that is a favorite at carnivals, fairs, and amusement parks. Cotton candy is primarily composed of sugar and air, making it light and airy. While it is not a significant source of nutrients, one notable aspect of cotton candy is its low fat content. It is virtually fat-free, providing minimal amounts of fat per serving. Cotton candy is enjoyed worldwide, particularly in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and India, where it is a popular sweet treat at festivals and outdoor events.

This candy is best enjoyed by spuning onto a cone or stick, allowing it to dissolve in your mouth, or as a fun topping for desserts like cupcakes and milkshakes, adding a whimsical touch to the overall presentation.

Related: Cotton Candy Grapes

38. Cream pie

Cream pie is a type of pie that features a creamy and luscious filling, often made with ingredients such as milk, cream, eggs, and flavorings like vanilla or chocolate. The filling is poured into a pastry crust and refrigerated until set. Cream pies come in various flavors, such as chocolate, banana, or coconut. One prominent nutrient found in cream pies is calcium. A slice of cream pie can provide approximately 15-20% of the daily recommended intake of calcium, contributing to bone.

Best enjoyed chilled and can be served with a drizzle of chocolate sauce, a sprinkle of shaved coconut, or a dollop of whipped cream for added indulgence.

39. Cannoli

Cannoli are traditional Italian pastries consisting of crispy, fried tubes of pastry dough filled with a sweet and creamy ricotta cheese filling. The dough is usually flavored with ingredients like cinnamon or citrus zest. Ricotta cheese provides protein and calcium, while the pastry shell adds carbohydrates. Cannoli are enjoyed worldwide, with Italy being the largest producer. They are made by rolling out the dough, frying it until golden and crispy, and then piping in the creamy ricotta filling before dusting with powdered sugar and sometimes adding chopped nuts or chocolate chips for added texture and flavor.

Cannoli are best enjoyed alongside a cup of espresso or coffee, allowing the contrast between the crispy shell and creamy ricotta filling to be savored with each bite.

40. Carrot Cake

Carrot cake is a moist and flavorful dessert made with grated carrots, spices, and a creamy frosting. One cup of carrot cake, equivalent to approximately 160 grams, can provide around 850 micrograms of vitamin A, which is equivalent to approximately 170% of the daily recommended intake.

41. Cherry Pie

Cherry pie is a classic American dessert made with a buttery crust and a sweet filling of cherries. One cup of cherry pie filling, equivalent to approximately 280 grams, can provide a significant amount of antioxidants from cherries, contributing to their health benefits.

42. Crumbles

Crumbles are delicious desserts made with baked fruit filling topped with a crumbly mixture of flour, butter, and sugar. Some of the fruits that are used include apples, berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries), peaches, or pears.

One cup of crumble, equivalent to approximately 240 grams, can provide around 4-6 grams of dietary fiber, depending on the fruit used in the filling.

Spices, Nuts & Seeds

Welcome to the world of spices, wholesome nuts, and nutritious seeds that start with C.

43. Cane Sugar

Originating from sugarcane plants in Brazil and India, cane sugar offers a sweeter, fuller flavor that outshines beet sugar. It sweetens beverages, elevates baking, and delights in confectionery. Its preparation involves crushing the cane, then boiling to extract the sugar.

44. Caraway Seeds

These distinctive seeds, cherished in Central Europe and the Middle East, lend an anise-like flavor to bread, cheese, and meat dishes. Usually used whole, they’re often baked directly into food or lightly toasted to release their flavor.

45. Cardamom

A staple in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Scandinavian cuisines, cardamom is loved for its sweet-spicy flavor. It brings warmth to curries, adds depth to pastries, and is commonly used either whole or ground.

46. Cashew Nut

Favored globally but predominantly in Brazil, India, and Vietnam, cashew nuts are valued for their rich, buttery flavor. They’re often roasted and salted for snacking, ground into a creamy butter, or used as a vegan cheese substitute.

47. Chia Seeds

Central and South America relish chia seeds, tiny but nutritional powerhouses. They offer a subtle nutty flavor and are used in smoothies, baked goods, and ‘chia pudding.’ When soaked in liquid, they form a gel, enhancing their versatility.

48. Chipotle

An integral part of Mexican cuisine, chipotle is a smoke-dried jalapeno pepper. It adds a smoky heat to salsas, marinades, and meat dishes. Chipotles are typically used dried, powdered, or canned in a tomato-based adobo sauce.

49. Chives

Delicate, green, tubular herbs with a mild, sweet onion flavor. Popular in cooking and garnishing, they add a subtle sharpness to dishes, mainly in French cuisine. Great in salads, soups, and potato dishes.

50. Cloves

Tiny, dark-brown flower buds offering a warm, sweet and aromatic flavor. Used in both sweet and savory dishes, they’re found in spice mixes worldwide. Highly prized for their medicinal properties and are a key component in recipes like mulled wine and gingerbread.

51. Cinnamon

Aromatic, sweet, and slightly spicy, derived from the inner bark of several tree species from the Cinnamomum family. Used widely in sweet and savory dishes, beverages, and traditional medicine. Integral to spice mixes like pumpkin pie spice and garam masala.

52. Cumin

A spice derived from the dried seeds of Cuminum cyminum plant, known for its distinctive warm, earthy flavor and aroma. Crucial in cuisines worldwide, but most notably in Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mexican dishes, such as curry and chili.

53. Capers

Small, pickled flower buds with a sharp, tangy, and slightly lemony flavor. They’re used predominantly as a garnish or flavor enhancer in Mediterranean cuisine, especially in dishes like pasta puttanesca and chicken piccata.

54. Cayenne Pepper

A hot chili pepper used to prepare spicy dishes, either in whole or powder form. It’s named after the city of Cayenne in French Guiana. Most important for its role in Cajun and Creole cuisines, where it adds a fiery kick.

Meat & Fish

Enjoy the scrumptious joys of juicy meats and flavorful seafood as each bite takes you to a world of exquisite flavors. 

55. Calamari

Calamari is a type of seafood dish that is made from squid. The squid is typically cut into rings or tentacle pieces, breaded, and then deep-fried. It often has a slightly chewy texture and a mild, slightly sweet taste. It’s commonly served as an appetizer with a side of tangy marinara sauce or aioli for dipping.

56. Catfish

Catfish is a type of freshwater fish known for its long whisker-like barbels, which give it its name. The meat of the catfish is typically firm and mild-flavored. It can be prepared in various ways, such as grilled, baked, or breaded and fried. It’s often served as a main dish with sides like vegetables or rice.

57. Chicken

Chicken is a type of poultry that is commonly consumed worldwide. The meat can be divided into different cuts, including the breast, thigh, leg, and wing. Chicken is versatile, and can be roasted, grilled, fried, or used in soups and stews. Its flavor is typically mild, providing an excellent base for a variety of spices and sauces.

58. Conch

Conch is a type of large sea snail. The meat from the mollusk is extracted from its distinctive spiral shell and then cooked. It is a common food in Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisines. Conch meat has a firm texture similar to clams or lobster, and it is often used in soups, salads, and fritters.

59. Crab

Crab is a type of shellfish with a hard exterior shell and soft, sweet meat inside. There are various species of crab, but the most commonly consumed ones include blue crab, king crab, and Dungeness crab. Crab meat can be steamed, boiled, or made into dishes like crab cakes or crab salads. It’s prized for its delicate and slightly sweet flavor.

In terms of how much crabs cost, we have a dedicated insights area where you can explore crabs prices in the United States across retail, wholesale, export and even import. 

60. Crispy Fried Chicken

Crispy fried chicken is a popular dish made from pieces of chicken that are coated in a seasoned batter or bread crumbs, then deep-fried until the exterior is crunchy and golden brown. The inside remains juicy and tender. It’s renowned for its satisfying contrast of textures and is often enjoyed with a variety of dipping sauces.

61. Corned Beef

Corned beef is a type of salt-cured beef product. It’s named for the large “corns” or grains of salt historically used in the curing process. It has a distinctive pink color, a rich, salty flavor, and a tender texture when cooked. Corned beef is often used in sandwiches or served with cabbage for a traditional Irish-American meal.

62. Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish is a marine animal related to squid and octopuses. The meat of the cuttlefish is white, with a firm yet tender texture, and a sweet, delicate flavor. It can be cooked in a variety of ways, like grilling or sautéing, and is often used in Mediterranean and Asian dishes. It’s also known for its ink, which is used as a food coloring and flavoring.

63. Cabrito

Cabrito is a Spanish term for young, milk-fed goat meat. It’s a delicacy in many cultures, particularly in parts of Mexico and the Mediterranean. The meat is typically roasted or stewed, and it is known for its tender, delicate texture and mild flavor, which can be described as a cross between beef and lamb but with a sweeter touch.

64. Carne Asada

Carne Asada, translating to ‘grilled meat,’ is a dish typically made from marinated beef, often a flank or skirt steak. The beef is soaked in a blend of spices and citrus before it’s grilled, resulting in a smoky, juicy, and tender piece of meat. It’s commonly served sliced thin as a main dish or used as a filling in tacos and burritos.

65. Carne Guisada

Carne Guisada is a Latin American stew traditionally made with beef, which has been slow-cooked with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and a variety of spices. The meat is simmered until it’s wonderfully tender and the flavors are well-combined. The result is a comforting dish often served over rice or with tortillas.

66. Carnitas

Carnitas, a Mexican dish, involves pork that’s been slow-cooked in oil or lard until it’s tender enough to be easily shredded. The shredded pork is then typically crisped up in a hot oven, resulting in meat that’s juicy on the inside but with a delightful crisp exterior. Carnitas are popular as a filling in tacos, enchiladas, and burritos.

67. Chicken and Dumplings

Chicken and Dumplings is a comfort food classic, particularly in the Southern United States. It features pieces of chicken that are slow-cooked in a rich broth until tender. Dumplings, which are small balls of dough, are then cooked in the same broth. The result is a hearty and filling dish with a balance of savory chicken and soft, fluffy dumplings.

68. Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is a cut of poultry from the chest of the bird. It’s a lean, white meat known for its versatility and high protein content. It can be cooked in many ways such as grilling, baking, or sautéing and works well with a variety of seasonings and sauces.

69. Chicken Casserole

A chicken casserole is a baked dish that usually includes pieces of chicken, vegetables, and a starchy component like rice, pasta, or potatoes. It’s often bound together with a creamy sauce or soup, and might be topped with cheese or breadcrumbs. It’s a one-dish meal known for its comforting, homey feel.

70. Chicken Chili

Chicken Chili is a hearty stew made with chicken, typically white meat, instead of the traditional beef. It includes a variety of ingredients like beans, tomatoes, onions, and a combination of spices, offering a rich, hearty, and slightly spicy taste.

71. Chicken Curry

Chicken Curry is a flavorful dish originating from the Indian subcontinent. It’s made by simmering pieces of chicken in a sauce rich with aromatic spices like turmeric, cumin, and coriander, often including chili for heat and coconut milk for creaminess. Every region has its unique version, resulting in a diverse array of flavors.

72. Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken Enchiladas are a Mexican dish consisting of tortillas rolled around a filling, typically shredded chicken, and covered in chili sauce. They’re baked until hot, often with a sprinkle of cheese on top. The result is a spicy, savory dish with a soft interior and slightly crispy exterior.

73. Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup is a comforting dish made with a clear chicken broth, pieces of chicken, a variety of vegetables like carrots and celery, and, of course, noodles. This classic soup is often served when one is feeling unwell due to its light and nourishing qualities, but it’s just as good any day for its comforting warmth.

73. Chicken Parmesan

Chicken Parmesan is an Italian-American dish that features breaded and fried chicken breast covered with marinara sauce and melted mozzarella, parmesan, or provolone cheese. It’s typically served with pasta, and it’s known for its satisfying blend of crispy chicken, tangy tomato sauce, and gooey cheese.

74. Chicken Pasta

Chicken Pasta is a broad term for any pasta dish that includes chicken. This could range from a creamy alfredo fettuccine with grilled chicken breast to a robust chicken and tomato spaghetti. It’s a versatile dish that combines the protein of chicken with the carby satisfaction of pasta.

75. Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken Pot Pie is a savory pie filled with cooked chicken, a variety of vegetables, and a creamy sauce. All this is covered with a flaky pie crust and then baked until golden brown. It’s a comfort food classic, offering a delectable mix of creamy filling and crispy crust, perfect for a hearty meal.

76. Chicken Salad

Chicken Salad is a versatile dish primarily made from chunks of cooked chicken, usually mixed with ingredients like celery, onions, and mayonnaise. It can be enjoyed on its own or as a filling for sandwiches or wraps. It’s appreciated for its creamy texture and the balance between the tender chicken and the crunch of the vegetables.

77. Chicken Stir Fry

Chicken Stir Fry is a quick, one-pan dish where chicken pieces are sautéed with a variety of vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and carrots. The mixture is typically seasoned with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger. It’s a colorful, healthy dish known for its fresh flavors and the contrasting textures of tender chicken and crunchy vegetables.

78. Carp

Carp is a type of freshwater fish that’s popular in many cuisines worldwide. The meat is white, firm, and slightly sweet. Carp can be cooked in various ways such as grilling, baking, or frying, and is often served with a sauce or marinade. It’s also notable as the main ingredient in gefilte fish, a traditional Jewish dish.

79. Clams

Clams are a type of small, edible shellfish. The meat inside the shell is tender and has a distinct, slightly sweet, ocean flavor. Clams can be enjoyed in many ways: steamed, grilled, or used in dishes like clam chowder or pasta with clam sauce. They’re commonly cooked in a broth that enhances their natural briny flavor.

80. Corn Dog

A corn dog is a popular snack often found at fairs and carnivals. It’s essentially a hot dog that has been skewered on a stick, coated in a sweet, cornmeal batter, and then deep-fried. The result is a delicious contrast between the crunchy exterior and the juicy hot dog inside. It’s typically enjoyed with condiments like mustard and ketchup.

81. Crisps

Crisps, or potato chips as they’re known in the United States, are thin slices of potato that have been fried or baked until crispy. They come in a variety of flavors, from the simplicity of sea salt to more elaborate seasoning blends like sour cream and onion or barbecue. They’re a popular snack known for their satisfying crunch.

82. Chorizo

Chorizo is a type of spicy sausage originating from Spain and Latin America. Spanish chorizo is made from coarsely chopped pork and seasoned with smoked paprika, while Mexican chorizo is typically made from ground pork and a variety of chili peppers. Chorizo is often used in stews, soups, and can also be grilled or fried. It’s cherished for its bold, spicy flavor.


A staple in Italian cafes, a cappuccino is a coffee drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam. The layer of creamy foam on top is its signature. The cappuccino’s delightful surprise comes as you sip through the foam to the strong, robust espresso underneath.

83. Champagne

Champagne is a type of sparkling wine that originates from the Champagne region of France. The bubbly surprise of Champagne lies in the tiny effervescent bubbles that rise in your glass, contributing to its unique texture. It’s traditionally served in tall, slender glasses to celebrate special occasions.

84. Cider

Cider, most popular in the United Kingdom and parts of the United States, is a refreshing beverage made from fermented apple juice. The surprise twist here is the range of flavors, from sweet to tart, influenced by the type of apples used. Some varieties even contain a slight fizz.

You can explore the calorie breakdown of apple cider vinegar, a related product derived from fermented apple cider.

85. Calvados

Calvados is a variety of brandy from the Normandy region in France. It’s made by distilling apple cider into a strong spirit. The uniqueness of Calvados lies in its delightful apple aroma and taste, a surprising feature in a world where grape-based brandies rule.

86. Chamomile

A herbal tea loved worldwide but particularly in Egypt and Greece, Chamomile is made by infusing the flowers of the chamomile plant in hot water. The little surprise? Despite its delicate appearance, chamomile packs a sweet, apple-like flavor and is often sipped for its calming effects.

Cheese & Dairy

Explore the delectable universe of cheese and dairy, where velvety textures, bold flavors, and versatile options await, from artisanal cheeses to luscious creams and everything in between.

87. Camembert

Camembert is a cheese originally from France. It’s prepared using cow’s milk that is first coagulated, a process that turns the liquid milk into a semi-solid state. The curd is then cut into small pieces, pressed into molds, and allowed to mature for several weeks. This maturing process creates a soft, creamy texture and an edible white rind around the outside of the cheese.

88. Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese is a firm cheese that comes from England. To make Cheddar, cow’s milk is warmed, mixed with cultures and rennet to start the curdling process. The curd that forms is cut, heated, and then pressed into large blocks. These blocks are turned regularly and left to age. The aging process can last anywhere from a few months to a few years, leading to flavor variations from mild to extra sharp.

89. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese product with a mild flavor. It’s made by adding an acid (like lemon juice or vinegar) to cow’s milk, which causes the milk to curdle. The curdled milk is then drained, but not pressed, so some whey remains, leaving the curds loose. The finished product has a chunky appearance and is often eaten with fruits or used in salads and baking.

90. Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a soft, mild-tasting cheese. It’s made by adding lactic acid bacteria to cream and milk, which thickens and sours the mixture. It’s then heated to kill the bacteria, before being mixed, salted, and allowed to cool and thicken. Cream cheese is popularly used as a spread on bagels and as a key ingredient in cheesecake.

While enjoying this beloved dessert in its various forms and flavors, it’s interesting to note that the prices of cheese in the US have risen during the past years. 

Related: You may want to check cheese prices in the United States

91. Custard

Custard is a sweet dessert made from a mixture of milk or cream, egg yolks, sugar, and usually a flavoring such as vanilla. It’s cooked gently on the stove or baked in the oven until it thickens. The smooth, creamy texture of custard makes it a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a filling in pastries or pies.

Prepared Meals & Dishes

This is the wide variety of prepared meals and dishes. Enjoy! 

92. Canapé

A canapé is a bite-sized appetizer that consists of a small piece of bread or a cracker topped with various savory ingredients. These toppings can include cheese, cured meats, spreads, vegetables, or seafood. Canapés are typically served at cocktail parties or social gatherings as a tasty, handheld appetizer option.

93. Caprese Salad

Caprese salad is a fresh and vibrant Italian salad that features simple yet delicious ingredients. It includes sliced ripe tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves, arranged in layers or simply tossed together. The salad is then drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Caprese salad is known for its refreshing flavors and beautiful presentation.

94. Carbonara

Carbonara is a classic Italian pasta dish that is loved for its indulgent flavors. It’s typically made with spaghetti, eggs, grated cheese (such as Parmesan or Pecorino), pancetta or bacon, and black pepper. The eggs and cheese create a creamy sauce when mixed with the hot pasta, while the pancetta or bacon adds a savory and slightly salty taste. Carbonara is a comforting and satisfying pasta dish.

95. Casserole

A casserole refers to a baked dish that combines various ingredients, usually including a protein, such as chicken, beef, or vegetables, and a binding element like rice, pasta, or potatoes. These ingredients are typically mixed together with a sauce or broth and then baked until everything is cooked through and the flavors meld together. Casseroles are popular comfort food meals that can be customized with different ingredients and seasonings.

96. Cheeseburger

A cheeseburger is a classic American sandwich that consists of a beef patty cooked on a grill or stovetop, topped with cheese (commonly American or cheddar), and served on a bun. Additional condiments and toppings like lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, and various sauces can be added to enhance the flavor. The combination of juicy beef, melted cheese, and a soft bun creates a satisfying and iconic burger experience.

97. Chef’s Salad

A Chef’s Salad is a versatile and customizable salad that typically includes a bed of lettuce or mixed greens topped with various ingredients. It often features sliced deli meats such as turkey, ham, or chicken, along with hard-boiled eggs, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. The salad is then drizzled with dressing, usually a vinaigrette or creamy dressing of choice. It’s a hearty and satisfying salad that allows for personal preferences in ingredient choices.

98. Chili

Chili is a savory and hearty stew-like dish made with ground or cubed meat (such as beef, turkey, or pork), along with a variety of beans, tomatoes, onions, and spices. The meat is typically browned first, then combined with the other ingredients and simmered together for a long period, allowing the flavors to meld. The result is a thick and flavorful dish that can be enjoyed on its own or served over rice, pasta, or hot dogs.

99. Chimichanga

A Chimichanga is a deep-fried burrito typically filled with shredded meat (such as beef or chicken), beans, cheese, and other ingredients. The filling is wrapped in a flour tortilla, then sealed and deep-fried until crispy and golden. The deep-frying process gives the chimichanga its distinctive texture and adds a delicious crunch to the outer shell. It’s often served with salsa, guacamole, or sour cream as accompaniments.

100. Chowder

Chowder is a thick and creamy soup typically made with a combination of seafood (such as clams, fish, or shrimp), vegetables, potatoes, and a creamy base. The ingredients are cooked together in a broth or stock until tender and flavorful. Milk or cream is then added to create the creamy consistency. Chowder is a comforting and filling soup that is often enjoyed with crusty bread or oyster crackers.

101. Clam Chowder

Clam Chowder is a specific type of chowder that primarily features clams as the main ingredient. The clams are combined with potatoes, onions, sometimes bacon, and a creamy base to create a rich and flavorful soup. The chowder can be prepared in different regional styles, such as New England-style (creamy and often with a white base) or Manhattan-style (tomato-based). It’s a popular seafood soup often associated with coastal regions.

102. Cobb Salad

Cobb Salad is a hearty salad named after its creator, Bob Cobb. It typically consists of chopped lettuce, grilled chicken, bacon, hard-boiled eggs, avocado, tomatoes, cheese, and sometimes other vegetables. The ingredients are arranged in rows or sections on top of the lettuce, allowing each component to be showcased. It’s often served with a vinaigrette dressing and is a satisfying and well-balanced meal option.

103. Coleslaw

Coleslaw is a salad made with shredded or finely chopped cabbage, mixed with carrots and a creamy dressing. The dressing is typically a combination of mayonnaise, vinegar, sugar, and various seasonings. Coleslaw can have different variations, including creamy or vinegar-based dressings, and may include additional ingredients like onions, celery seeds, or bell peppers for added flavor and crunch. It’s a popular side dish often served alongside barbecue, sandwiches, or fried foods.

104. Couscous

Couscous is a tiny grain-like food made from semolina, which is a type of wheat. It’s a staple in North African and Middle Eastern cuisines. To prepare couscous, it is typically steamed or soaked in hot water or broth until it becomes fluffy and tender. It serves as a versatile base for various dishes, such as stews, salads, or as a side dish, absorbing the flavors of the accompanying ingredients.

For pricing, please check the Couscous prices in the United States

105. Crab Cakes

Crab cakes are a savory seafood dish that features crab meat mixed with various ingredients like breadcrumbs, mayonnaise, mustard, and seasonings. The mixture is formed into patties and then either baked, broiled, or fried until golden brown and crispy. The result is a delightful combination of sweet, succulent crab meat encased in a crispy exterior. Crab cakes are often served with a tangy sauce, such as tartar or aioli.

106. Crêpe

Crêpes are thin, delicate pancakes originating from France. They are made from a simple batter of flour, eggs, milk, and sometimes melted butter. The batter is spread thinly on a hot griddle or skillet, and cooked until it forms a thin, lacy pancake. Crêpes can be filled with various sweet or savory fillings, such as Nutella, fruits, cheese, or ham. They are versatile and can be enjoyed as a breakfast, dessert, or a light meal.

107. Croquette

A croquette is a small, breaded and fried food roll or patty made from a mixture of ingredients such as mashed potatoes, meat, vegetables, or seafood. The ingredients are typically bound together with a thick sauce or béchamel, formed into the desired shape, coated in breadcrumbs, and then deep-fried until golden and crispy. Croquettes are enjoyed as a snack, appetizer, or as part of a meal, and they offer a satisfying combination of crispy exterior and flavorful filling.

108. Curry

Curry is a flavorful and aromatic dish that originates from South Asia, particularly India and Thailand. It typically consists of a sauce or gravy made from a blend of spices, such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and chili, along with a variety of ingredients like meat, vegetables, or legumes. The ingredients are cooked together in the spiced sauce until tender and infused with the flavors. Curries can vary in terms of spiciness, heat levels, and ingredients used, resulting in a wide range of delicious and aromatic dishes.

109. Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad is a classic salad named after its creator, Caesar Cardini. It typically includes crisp romaine lettuce, croutons, Parmesan cheese, and a dressing made from ingredients like anchovies, garlic, lemon juice, egg yolks, Dijon mustard, and olive oil. The ingredients are combined, and the salad is often topped with grilled chicken or shrimp for added protein. Caesar Salad offers a balance of textures and flavors, with the tangy and creamy dressing complementing the crisp lettuce and savory toppings.

110. Caldeirada

Caldeirada is a traditional Portuguese fish stew that showcases the flavors of the sea. It typically consists of a variety of fish, such as cod, hake, or monkfish, along with potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers. The ingredients are cooked slowly in a fragrant broth made with white wine, olive oil, and herbs. Caldeirada is a comforting and hearty dish, perfect for seafood lovers.

111. Cassoulet

Cassoulet is a rich and rustic French dish hailing from the region of Languedoc. It features a slow-cooked casserole made with white beans, sausages (such as Toulouse sausage), and various meats like duck confit, pork, or lamb. The dish is typically seasoned with herbs, garlic, and tomatoes. Cassoulet is known for its robust flavors and tender, melt-in-your-mouth meat.

112. Ceviche

Ceviche is a refreshing and tangy dish popular in Latin American cuisine, particularly in coastal regions. It involves marinating raw fish or seafood, such as shrimp or scallops, in citrus juices like lime or lemon. The acid in the citrus juice “cooks” the fish, giving it a firm texture. Ceviche is often combined with ingredients like onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and chili peppers, resulting in a zesty and vibrant flavor profile.

113. Chicken and Rice

Chicken and Rice is a comforting and versatile dish enjoyed in various cuisines worldwide. It typically involves cooking chicken and rice together in a flavorful broth or sauce. The chicken is seasoned and cooked until tender, while the rice absorbs the delicious flavors. Additional ingredients like vegetables, herbs, and spices can be added to enhance the dish. Chicken and Rice can be prepared in different ways, from aromatic Indian biryani to Spanish arroz con pollo, each offering its own unique twist on this classic combination.

114. Chile Relleno

Chile Relleno is a Mexican dish consisting of a roasted and peeled chili pepper, typically a poblano, that is stuffed with various fillings. The most common filling is cheese, but it can also include meats, beans, or vegetables. The stuffed chili is then dipped in egg batter and fried until golden. Chile Relleno is known for its smoky flavor, spicy kick, and the combination of the crispy exterior with the savory filling.

115. Cioppino

Cioppino is a seafood stew that originated in San Francisco, USA. It features a medley of fresh seafood like fish, clams, mussels, shrimp, and crab cooked in a tomato-based broth. The broth is seasoned with herbs, garlic, onions, and sometimes white wine. The stew is simmered until the flavors meld together, resulting in a rich and flavorful dish. Cioppino is often served with crusty bread for dipping and enjoyed as a comforting seafood feast.

116. Congee

Congee, also known as rice porridge, is a staple dish in many Asian cuisines, particularly in China. It is made by simmering rice in a large amount of water or broth until it breaks down and thickens into a smooth and creamy consistency. Congee can be enjoyed plain or flavored with ingredients like meats, seafood, vegetables, or condiments like soy sauce or sesame oil. It’s a comforting and versatile dish often consumed for breakfast or as a soothing meal during times of illness.

117. Confit

Confit is a cooking technique that involves slow-cooking meat, typically duck, goose, or pork, in its own fat. The meat is seasoned, submerged in the fat, and cooked at a low temperature for an extended period, resulting in tender and flavorful meat. The process also helps preserve the meat. Confit meat can be enjoyed on its own or used as an ingredient in other dishes. The rendered fat from the confit can also be used for cooking and adds richness and depth to various preparations.

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