Buy Kenya Cardamom Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2024 Market Prices

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Kenya cardamomSelina Wamucii supplies Kenya cardamom to the Kenyan market as well as the export markets around the world. Our Kenya cardamom is sourced from family growers.The imagination of a delicious Kenyan cardamom flavored snack definitely wreaks havoc on any olfactory sense. Selina Wamucii, your link to fresh local growers will ensure that you relive this experience in your gastronomic adventures.

Over the ages, Kenyan cardamom has had a variety of uses, both as a flavoring and as a spice for cooking. Green cardamom is a great spice used in a variety of sumptuous dishes and also has the added benefit of having medicinal properties. Kenya’s green cardamom has a distinct one of a kind taste coupled with an intense fragrance that is guaranteed to stimulate even the most docile salivary glands.

Black Kenyan cardamom has a slightly bitter but pronounced smoky and tantalizing flavor that leaves a minty impression on even the most discerning of palates. Kenyan cardamom is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and confectionery treats in Nordic countries. In the Middle East, it is a great spice incorporated in sweet and savory dishes. Cardamom flavored tea is an integral everyday indulgence in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Kenyan tropical climate confers ideal conditions for the growth of unique cardamom varieties. Optimal conditions for cardamom growth include slightly acidic rich loamy soil with average climatic temperatures of between 25 to 29 degrees centigrade. The crop requires a steady supply of moisture rich in potassium and phosphorous in shaded conditions, which are in abundance in Kenya’s farming circles thus ensuring the growth of a pedigree cardamom crop second to none.

Selina Wamucii is always glad to provide the best Kenya cardamom. Place your order today!

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