Buy Ethiopia Grapes Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2025 Market Prices
Get Instant QuoteWe provide high quality Ethiopia grapes to the local and export market. We source the raw fresh Ethiopia grapes from family growers in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia grapes are some of the oldest in Africa, available before 100 A.D., with wine production from the fruits starting in the 1900s. They came by the way of the Red Sea via Adulis. Grape has a long history dating back to 4000 B.C. to 6000 B.C. in Persia (modern-day Iran). However, wine distillation from the fruit goes back to the same timeline in southeastern Europe in Georgia. In Africa, the first evidence of the wine was in Egypt from where it spread to Ethiopia. The fruit can be eaten as table grape for its curative power over migraine, diabetes, decrement of blood pressure and asthma relief.
A grape plantation has the potential to last for thirty years with yearly harvests. Ethiopia is well predisposed to provide grapes during the peak seasons when the world’s major producers, namely Chile, South Africa and Brazil are off season. The diverse equator-stranding climate of Ethiopia allows production in two seasons, one of which in June to July, the two months when the rest of the world is not producing. The country’s relatively dry climate suits the optimal temperatures for the vineyard of 15 degrees to 40 degrees celsius.
Though Ethiopia began exporting grapes for wine-making or jam-making as late as 2008, the country has made efforts to sell 600 metric tons, using 2010 statistics. Grape production in Ethiopia has fluctuated from 1993 to 2013. For instance, the country had 4173 tons of the fruit in 1993 but by 2013 had improved to 5000 tons. The best year was 2005 when production reached 8,565 tons, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations statistics (FAOSTAT).
Ethiopia grapes are classified into three types. The first variety is table grapes, arguably the best raw grapes from East Africa. These come in three appealing colors, including the famous black, alongside white and scarlet cultivars. Most of the locally produced fruits are seedless, which are some of the most sought after grapes. However, you can still obtain raisin grapes and wine grapes, the two other varieties that grow for their end-products.
We provide Ethiopia grapes from the south and eastern regions of the country, including Meki. Home to several large wineries, Meki, with its namesake river, has a suitable elevation of 1636m that suits vineyards. Koka in due south of Addis Ababa is famous as a grape producing area on the banks of Awash River. Our other source for fresh grapes is Ziway, a very strategic central Ethiopian town that lies on the road to Nairobi, Kenya.
Some of the end-products of Ethiopia grapes include tedj, a cultural wine that was traditionally made of honey but its commercial version now includes the juice from the grape fruit. The best of these come from the Ethiopian version of the American merlot grapes, usually the red types. We also provide Cabernet Sauvignon, the other local red grape that produces fantastic wine. You could also lay hands on Syrah, yet another fantastic red grape.
We understand that post-harvest handling of grapes is one of the most essential and difficult tasks of all fruits. But we deliver using international standards. During the harvest, our workers pick the Ethiopia grapes in twos, with one worker fetching the clusters from the tree while the assistant puts it in a container. The container consists of soft sponges to keep the fruits bruise-free. We also keep the packed fruits under a shaded place in-between harvesting to reduce sun deterioration. We then transport the bunches to the packing shed where our workers remove the bunches, trim them with tiny custom scissors, before washing them. They then put the fruits back to their plastic containers or lugs of 600 x 400 x 250 centimeters, ready for further processing or direct export from Addis Ababa.
We look forward to liaising with you for the freshest Ethiopia grapes from Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-certified central and south-eastern Ethiopia vineyards. You can expect your competitively priced shipment to arrive in your select destination within the stipulated timeline, in the right condition and quantity. Talk to us today for more information.
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