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We provide high quality Ethiopia cauliflowers to the local and export market. We source the raw fresh Ethiopia cauliflowers from family growers in the Amhara region of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is a vegetable in high demand because of its characteristic white, pink or purple curd or cheese-like head. Its first home was the northern eastern tip of southern Europe, maybe Cyprus, in the 100’s AD. Some Roman scholars referred to the cabbage family plant as the tastiest amongst its genus. Ethiopia has only recently began to cultivate cauliflower in both family grower farms and large farms. The main export destination of the local produce has been neighboring Djibouti, which also doubles as an overseas gateway with its strategic port. The country grows the snow white curd variety in the Amhara region, with this variety now common in the North Gondar zone.

The Ethiopia cauliflower thrives under cool temperatures of around 21° Celsius and no more than 29° Celsius. The country produces its crop around December, which is the perfect time when Europe has just harvested its last crop in early November. The local crop may mature after two months of transplantation.

We source our Ethiopia cauliflower from the cool subtropical and temperate climate of Bahir Dar in Ethiopia, which lies in the fertile heartland of Amhara. Due to the low supply of the produce, in the country, in comparison with other vegetables, it is the most pricey green leaf you can find in the market. A single sizable head goes for about 50 Birr ($5.82), in the urban market of Bahir Dar. However, we offer fair prices that reflect the quality and market conditions.

The Ethiopia cauliflower is enriched with high vitamins like C, which provides 58% of the daily value. It also has high water content at 92 grams supplemented by Vitamin K at 15% of the daily nutritional value. Minerals per serving include magnesium, manganese and potassium, all at amounts below 10 percent of the daily value.

During the harvesting phase, our workers make sure that family growers only pick cauliflower that have attained sizable heads of at least 15 centimeters across. During a hot season harvest, we ensure that each basketful of the produce undergoes pre-cooling through air spray of at least 0 degrees Celsius. This ensures that there is a balance between the fresh field condition and the post-harvest one. We also store the harvest immediately after picking in highly humid interior conditions.

We pack our Ethiopia cauliflower in three forms. The first type is made of 9 heads that have undergone trimming. The second package consists of 12 heads with slight trimming without destroying the foliage. The third and the largest package contains 15 heads whose leaves have undergone trimming slightly over the foliage covering the curds.

We place the trimmed cauliflower in custom produce boxes of diverse weights and measurements. In every box, we place top ice to conserve the field conditions and freshness during transit. We keep the produce packed and stored at 0° Celsius so that it arrives at your destination in a fresh condition.

We transport our Ethiopia cauliflower to the Bola International airport or to the neighboring Djibouti port for direct delivery to your destination. Whenever possible, we ensure an immediate farm to airport delivery owing to the high effect of heat on the produce.

Therefore, if you are seeking the best Ethiopia cauliflower, look no further than us. Our sources in Amhara region cultivate the vegetable under cool, organic conditions, with little or no use of chemical sprays. Our Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-certified family growers in the Ethiopian highlands also produce the white variety that is a worldwide favorite. We guarantee low prices for this highly demanded vegetable. Make an order today!

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