Buy Tanzania Shallot Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2025 Market Prices
Get Instant QuoteTanzania shallot (Allium cepa) is a variation and lookalike of the red onion that people use to pickle their meals. Though upon discovery it went under a different classification altogether from that of the onion, it later got into the Allium botanical group. In appearance, each underground bulb comes in a reddish outer color. It bears several smaller bulbs that cling to its sides through a partitioning. Another characteristic is its leaves, which unlike those of the scallion (green onion) are tinged red or even a dull gray color when mature. The taste of this bulb is milder than that of the onion. The crop grows through furrow irrigation in Arusha, Kilolo and Kilosa districts of Tanzania.
The shallot is loosely named after the Biblical city of Ashkelon, where ancient Greeks touted it was native. However, real evidence points to an origin in Central Asia.
Preparing or pickling meals with shallots provides one with 13 percent of the daily requirements of vitamin A for good eyesight. The plant has a vitamin B-6 value of 15 percent of the daily needs. The dietary fiber level stands at 12 percent of the daily requirements. The level of calcium is 3 percent while protein stands at 5 percent of the daily needs. It has potassium proportion of 9 percent per serving. This is good enough for blood pressure control.
We source Tanzania shallots from farmers in the north of the country especially Arusha. They intercrop the vegetable with onions and legumes for nitrogen-fixing reasons. Our family growers own less than two acres of land which they tend after with farmyard manure. They also keep off-farm sprays to maintain a residue-free crop.
Our harvesting time for Tanzania shallots arrives in exactly three months after planting. We start when the leaves turn from green to a grayish-brown color and begin to fall off the plant. We use a spade and fork to remove the soil around the many bulbs shallowly. We then use hands to gently tip the bulb off the ground together with its roots.
We cure Tanzania shallots immediately after the harvest to remove excessive moisture content. We dry them in upraised wire racks in the full glare of the sun for 48 to 72 hours. We then brush away the soil still caught up in the roots. We trim the foliage and remove the roots in readiness for packing the produce.
Our packing process for Tanzania shallots starts with the grading of the cured produce. The best grade has blemish-free skin and is perfectly shaped. We pack the bulbs by grade in 11.3-kilo bags that have netting on the exterior for onboard ventilation. We also have larger packages of 22.6 kilos in capacity. We stick produce labels on each package describing the name, grade, the net weight and the country of origin.
We store Tanzania shallots in a moderately dry, cool environment to perpetuate curing. We keep the temperatures at the range of 0 degrees to 5 degrees Celsius. We maintain the same modified environment conditions during the delivery of the prIce to Dar-es-Salaam via our custom trucks. Expect the package to reach your destination by air in the next 1-2 days depending on your part of the globe.
We are therefore your first choice for everything to do with Tanzania shallots. We only obtain our supplies from family growers who have undertaken training for and acquired Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certifications. We are quite resourceful at meeting your exact tonnage as we have a vast network of farmers. On top of it all, our prices are quite reasonable as we tailor them to your budget. Contact us today or make an order!
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