Buy Tanzania Bananas Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2025 Market Prices

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Tanzania bananas (especially East African Highland banana-Musa acumunata) are a mixture of sweet and cooking varieties that are widespread across the entire nation. Tanzania has about twenty cultivars of the crop. These fall into ‘plantains’ for culinary purposes, ‘fruit’ types for raw eating when ripe and the ‘beer’ varieties whose purpose is to brew traditional liquor. Tanzania ranks as among the ten foremost world exporters of the crop. Combined with its northern neighbor Uganda, both countries provide half of the total bananas from Africa. Locally, various parts of the plant including the leaves and trunks serve as curio shop decorations and animal feed.

The origin of the banana was the southern Asia Pacific region between 7000 and 10,000 years ago. The plants then dispersed to nearby lands like the Philippines before their adoption in Africa. The coming of the East African Highland Banana to Tanzania was courtesy of traders who brought it via Uganda.

Bananas have a generous number of health benefits as the ripe fruit has virtually every nutrient in generous proportion. One of these is vitamin C at 14 percent of the daily value (dv). Vitamin B-6 which promotes metabolism processes is 20 percent dv. The level of dietary fiber for proper digestion is 10 percent dv while that of potassium for good diuretic function is also 10 percent. The vitamin A content is 1 percent, magnesium 6 percent and protein 2 percent dv. As a starch-rich food, a banana provides 7 percent of the daily requirements of carbohydrates. Regarding disease eradication, the fruit fights diabetes, enhances weight loss, gives relief from constipation and is a remedy for the obese.

We source our Tanzania bananas from Kagera on the north-western tip of the country. The area is famous for having all major varieties. We source our supplies from family growers who have no more than 1 hectare of land. They till and conserve the fields traditionally using farmyard manure as soil enrichment. They also curtail from the use of pesticides.

We harvest Tanzania banana when it has attained its ninth or at most twelfth month from the date of planting. Our well-trained workers carry sharp machetes which they use to slash off the hands with ample stalks of at least five inches. Our produce agents mobilize the workers about a week or two weeks before the fruits have ripened to ensure that they will have a long shelf life. They also keep these bunches in a shaded place free of plastic or other humidifiers that may cause the buildup of latex.

We pack Tanzania banana in corrugated produce boxes and wooden crates. Our basic 13-kilogram corrugated cardboard carton comes with vents for the proper aeration of the produce. We mix long and short fingers in a box such that for every few short ones there are long ones. This enhances a tight, friction-free environment and allows ventilation between the fruits. We also have bulk containers into which we count each fruit. We also attach up-to-date information on the produce label such as the number of pieces per box, the date of shipment, the net weight and the country of origin.

We store Tanzania banana under the relatively warm temperature range of 13.2 to 14 degrees Celsius at a relative humidity (RH) of 85 to 95 percent. This gives the produce a shelf life of 14 days. We keep the cargo in a cool, dry place away from light to extend its shelf life. We also convey the produce under the same temperature in our modified environment vehicles to the shipping port of Dar-es-Salaam.

Therefore, if you would like to avail the ndizi sukari and other varieties from Tanzania, you now have us to look up. Our Tanzania bananas come from very select farming areas of the country where farmers have a record for perpetuating Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) regulations. We also allow you flexible tonnage so that you can request for any volume and we will supply it. Our prices are quite reasonable as we adjust them to the current market rates. Make an order today!

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