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We provide high-quality Rwanda soybeans to the local and export markets. We source the raw fresh Rwanda soybeans from family growers in the country.

Rwanda soybean is the edible seed of a very important legume in food security matters. It helps to make meals that are rich in protein in many places where maize or beans are scarce. The crop is a prized commodity in Rwanda, and some grain farmers have cleared other cereals for it. It first came here in the year 1920 courtesy of the economic and agricultural department of the Belgian Congo. The crop had only a few hundred hectares at the date of independence, but this hiked to thousands of hectares in the 1980s. The main growing areas include Eastern Province.

In appearance, the seed is tan-colored, pebbly and round like a pea. It comes from a 3-to 4-inch pod. The bean is a principal raw material for soybean oil, and it comes from 30 percent of the seed’s dry matter.

Eating soybean meal is a ticket into health especially with its rich protein reserves of 72% per serving. The crop comes with an iron margin of 87%, a high margin for overcoming chronic diseases and anemia. The magnesium portion for combating bone problems is around 70% of the daily value. Teeth enamel-strengthening calcium is available at 27% of the daily requirements. The same applies to vitamin B-6 which aids in metabolism, available at 20% in each serving. The carbohydrates margin which makes this food an energy source is 10% while digestion-aiding dietary fiber tails off at 36% margin. The fat content, most of it unsaturated is 30%.

We source Rwanda soybeans from various sources in the country, especially Eastern Province. Our family growers usually own around an acre or two of land that they conserve through farmyard manure. They maintain the crop with little application of chemical sprays.

We harvest Rwanda soybeans when they have peaked at 85 days from the date of sowing. By now, the leaves will have yellowed and fallen off. The pods will also have browned and about to fall. At this time the pods split easily to produce the tiny seeds that are round, golden-colored and pea-like.  Our trained workers cut the pods at the stalk end. These seed receptacles should be ideally 3 or 4 inches long. The mature ones have firm but not hardened seeds.

We sort the harvested Rwanda soybeans in a machine system after threshing takes place. The machine revolves the seeds in a flat plate that exposes them to the sight. This enables the workers to pick out blemish-free pieces and cull out any discolored or hardened ones.

We pack whole Rwanda soybeans in flat cartons that come with polyethylene interior linings. Each package features bulk contents. We also have jute bags that have a grain capacity of 50 kilograms for large shipments. We stick produce labels including the packing date, the net weight and the country of origin.

We store Rwanda soybeans at the base temperature of 1 degree Celsius. We put the produce in racks that preserve them during the temporary storage under well-aerated conditions for these beans need proper ventilation.

We transport the cargo of soybeans to the airport in Kigali via our designated trucks. The cargo will usually reach your destination in the space of the next 24 to 48 hours after dispatch.

In short, if you are intent to lay hands on one of the essential legumes at alleviating food insecurity, then our Rwanda soybeans are a perfect choice. We source the produce from Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)-certified conditions. We ensure that all our shipments come in the correct quantity that matches your exact requirements.  We also maintain a low price that matches your budgetary allocation. Make an order today!

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