• Zambia Soybeans
  • Zambia Soybeans
  • Zambia Soybeans
  • Zambia Soybeans

Buy Zambia Soybeans Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2024 Market Prices

Produce Zambia Soybeans
Varieties Green soybeans, yellow soybeans, Black soybeans
Common names Glycine max
Packing 90 kg bag
Size 3-8 mm
Availability May, June, July
Transportation condition 30 degrees celsius
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Zambia Soybeans is a significant producer of soybeans driven by a fast-growing poultry sector. Soy is a species of an edible legume scientifically known as Glycine Max. It is an abundant vegetarian protein that gives it various nutritional uses, Soybeans are eaten or processed to produce milk for consumption in the form of supplements. 

In Zambia, they are processed locally to make a powder that is used in drinks to replace coffee or tea, especially to the Adventists Christian members. They are also processed to make cheese and oil. The remaining material is later used as animal and pet feed. Zambia soybeans also make protein powder and isoflavone supplements.

Zambia Soybeans originated from Asia but were first cultivated by Chinese farmers. Soy was introduced in Zambia in the 1930s. It is now grown by small and large scale farmers. The beans are grown in region two and region 3 of Zambia. 

The spread of soybeans was due to the establishment of sea and land trade routes in Zambia.

Green soybeans: These are also called edamame. They are flat and have a dark green shade. They are harvested when young and are often cooked while encased in their pod.

Yellow soybeans: This is the most common type of soybeans. These beans have a straw yellow seed coats and also cotyledons. They are usually fully cooked before consumption.

Black soybeans: This is a type of sot beans native to china. It is used as Chinese medicine to clear toxins in the world.

 Soybeans are often planted during the end of the cold season, but not during extremely cold temperatures as they are frost intolerant. They require a growing condition of temperatures between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

They grow well under warm, humid conditions. When mature, see, pods and stems turn yellow. About five days later, all plants become brown and are ready for harvest.

Harvesting is mainly done in May till July. Lately,  soybeans are packed into naturally woven or plastic bags using a new technology known an atmosphere packaging. This gets rid of all the moisture and allows the beans to stay longer when packed. They are mostly transported through the sea.

Globally soybeans have exported a total of USD 60B every year. The largest exporter of Soybean from Zambia is the USA exporting a total of 108M metric tons yearly, closely followed by Brazil and Argentina.

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