Buy Tanzania Snap Beans Directly From Exporters & Suppliers - Best of 2025 Market Prices
Get Instant QuoteTanzania snap bean (from many varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris) is the immature pod of a runner or hyacinth bean. It goes into consumption in its entirety. Its other names include French bean and green bean. Its harvest while the seeds are still tender and immature is what makes the crop edible. Many dishes around the world feature this produce in cut portions that serve in stew or side dishes — one distinguishing the part of snap bean varieties in the presence of or lack of a string. Most cultivars nowadays do not possess this tough strand that runs along the length of the pod.
The origin of the snap bean was the highlands of Central and South America. The development of the stingless type was in 1894 courtesy of a botanist in the United States. The common bean itself came into Tanzania by way of the US about 300 years ago. It goes under the name haragwe ya kijani in Swahili.
Uncommon for a legume, eating snap beans gives the body with more vitamins than protein due to its green pods. The vitamin C concentration stands at 5 percent of the daily needs. The level of vitamin B-6 is about 5 percent of the daily requirements. The per-serving volume of magnesium is 6 percent, just sufficient for maintaining the bone structure. The iron margin is 5 percent of the daily value, essential for improving brain function and transporting oxygen in the blood. Vitamin A is 2 percent per portion, just good enough for maintaining the eyesight. The level of calcium is 3 percent of the daily requirements, essential for keeping the teeth enamel healthy. The protein level rounds up at 1.8 grams or 3 percent per serving.
We source snap beans from the northern area of Moshi and Arusha. Family growers in this mountainous area use a combination of rain-fed and irrigated agriculture. They own half a hectare of land which they efficiently manage with farmyard manure. Due to the strict inspection of the crop abroad, they keep off pesticides, all together.
We harvest Tanzania snap beans when the pods are in their full bloom and are flat but long. The seeds at this time are yet to bloat the pods and are thus not necessary to thrash like in dried beans. Our workers functionally hand-pick the pods: while one hand seizes the stalk, the other gently plucks the pod and drops it into a basket. The trained farmhands maximize on each row before going to the next to reduce waste.
We then take the Tanzania snap beans to the sorting area. Here, our sorting equipment removes discolored pods, stems, strings and insects as well as other debris. We double-check that all are of uniform size and green color before we pass them to the packing area.
We pack Tanzania snap beans in 6.8-kilogram produce boxes that have polyethylene linings. We also have plastic crates, baskets, and cartons of between 11-and 14-kilogram capacities for large shipments. We indicate on the product label the cultivar (string or string-less), the country of origin and the net weight, next to the company logo.
Because of their sensitivity to chilling, we store Tanzania snap beans in plastic crates at the temperature range of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. This gives them 7 to 14 days of shelf life. We use custom transportation means that are fitted with hydro-cooling equipment to keep the produce fresh. Dispatch from the airport in Dar-es-Salaam means that the cargo will reach you in a day (if in the Middle-east) and two days maximum in other parts of the world.
In short, we are your go-between with farmers of Tanzania snap beans who grow the crop in the fertile soils of the country. We only interact with sources with Global Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certifications. This ensures that the supply is chemical-free and thus enjoys shallow residual levels. Indeed, our supplies are always acceptable in especially the European market. Regarding tonnage, we have sufficient sources from the Kilimanjaro area that produce the crop year-round in lush quantities. We also keep the prices low to make the legume affordable to every importer. Make an order today!
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