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Produce Egypt Oranges
Common Name Sweet orange
Variety Baladi Orange, Valencia Orange, Blood orange, Navel Orange, Khalily Orange and Sweet Orange(Sukkari)
Size 2.5 inches in diameter
Packing According to client request Packed in cartons
Season March to January
Transport Condition Refrigerated container with fresh air supply or controlled atmosphere Dry with good ventilation
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Egypt oranges belong to the citrus family. They can be freshly eaten or juiced. Also, the orange peel can be zested and used as a spice or in baking. They are rich in vitamin C.

The medium Egypt orange is 2.5 inches in diameter. Their color ranges from green, a shade of yellow or orange, depending on the variety. The fruits are round and segmented with seeds. The taste varies from juicy to sweet to bitter. The orange arose as a result of a crossbreed between a non-pure mandarin orange and a hybrid pomelo. Its first mention can be traced to Ancient China literature, China being the determined origin of the fruit. By the year 1987, it was the most cultivated fruit tree worldwide. By 2012 orange accounted for roughly 70% of citrus production. 

Egypt’s orange production represents around 65% of total citrus fruits productions and about 30% of total fruit production. Oranges are planted almost nationwide in Egypt, but it’s grown widely in the Delta governorates of Menufia, Beheira, Qalyoubia, Sharqiya, and Ismailia.

Egypt, however, enjoys an advantage as its harvest season is 2 to 3 weeks earlier than its competitors. Egypt is one of the world’s largest producers, and exporters and its orange export starts from November and goes on till the end of May

Navel oranges are seedless with a sweet flavor and are Egypt’s top export accounting for 60% of total orange production. Valencia oranges are mainly used for juice production and are Egypt’s second top export. Baladi oranges have two varieties; Seeded Baladi and Seedless Baladi. Both are also used in juice production. Blood oranges, unlike other types, are seedless. Sweet Orange (Sukkari) is a sweet variety that is often eaten fresh. Navel and Valencia are mainly grown for export purposes, while the rest of the types are mostly consumed locally.

Egypt oranges production depends on irrigation, which the Nile river provides. The nitrogen compounds required by oranges are in the mud deposited by the Nile. All other necessary conditions for growth are readily available as well, that is, fertile soil with good depth, good climate, and ample sunshine all year long. Between 4 and 15 years is when orange trees are most productive. However, oranges have different calendars for growth and dormancy, so the growing season depends on the variety. With their evergreen foliage, oranges have an active growing season all year long. Navel oranges bloom in early spring from March through April. 

The Egypt oranges harvesting period lasts between four to five months. Navel oranges are ready from November to June, while Valencia takes March to October. The harvesting process is the simple plucking method that involves twisting until the stem detaches from the tree. In many cases, however, the orange will fall from the tree when ripe. The maturity period starts from middle October to March, except for Valencia oranges, which go up to July. Picking may happen from March till January. After harvesting, oranges are stored in fridges and can stay for up to 12 weeks. Its storage and shelf life depends on the handling and maturity of the produce; one must, therefore, allow oranges to mature before harvesting. Oranges are packed in boxes, standard cartons, or net bags and mostly shipped by sea.

The domestic market accounts for most of the fresh orange consumption at 63%. 4% is consumed as juice, while export accounts for 33%. The private sectors handle the orange exports which they buy from small farmers. Some large companies also purchase produce from local farmers and export them following the export requirements. Egypt exports its fresh oranges to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the European Union. Recently, the Arab region has started importing orange juice from Egypt. 

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