• Malawi Mung Beans
  • Malawi Mung Beans
  • Malawi Mung Beans
  • Malawi Mung Beans

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Produce Malawi Mung beans
Varieties Jade AU Crystal Celera II-AU Satin II Regur
Common Names green gram golden gram
Packing 1KG bags and boxes. Per customer requirements.
Size 2MM-3MM
Availability (season) May to August
Transportation Conditions dry conditions in temperatures above 10 degrees
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Malawi mung beans are found in the legume family (Vigna radiata) is also known as green grams, mash, or moong. They are leguminous plants that can grow up to 36 inches high. 

Mung beans seeds are used either crisp or canned. Mung beans are rich in proteins as well as high in calcium, phosphorus, and different nutrients. For individuals in areas where creature protein is rare, mung beans are a significant wellspring of protein. Mung beans are individuals from the Legume family and identified with adzuki and cowpea. These warm-season annuals might be either upstanding or vine types. Light yellow blooms are borne in bunches of 12-15 at the top.

There are five varieties of mung beans, namely Jade –AU, Crystal, Celera II-AU, Satin II, and Regur. The five types do well in Malawi and are grown both on a large scale and small scale. In the northern regions of the country, Jade-AU is grown. It is a sizeable seeded mung bean that is bright green and can be planted during spring and also summer. It is resistant to powdery mildew, which attacks the seeds in the northern part of the country. The crystal variety is even planted in all regions in the country. It is relatively tall and grows erect and is resistant to many diseases that attack the beans. Celera II-AU is a small-seeded, shiny green mung bean that is preferred by small scale farmers as it is more marketable. It is resistant to halo bright. Satin II is a dull green mung bean and is grown for a niche market. It has an increased seed size, and its seed color is even and also shape and size. Regur is also known as black gram. It is more tolerant of waterlogged areas. It is usually short, making it harder to harvest, and its pods are set at lower and have a prolonged flowering period, and they ripen unevenly.  

Mung beans are planted in May and early June. During this period, the soils are warm, and they germinate within three days after they are sown. After planting, the plants take up to 120 days to mature. The plants do well when they get up to ten hours of direct sunlight. They do well in loamy, well-drained soils that have a pH of between 5.8 and 7.0, such as the ones found in the western region of Malawi. The plant does well where there are fertile soils, and they do not require nitrogen supplements as they are leguminous and have nitrogen-fixing nodules.

The pods in the plants don’t mature uniformly. This is caused by the reason that the plants have an extended flowering period. This makes it a bit hard to decide on the harvesting period. The plants are harvested once a half or two-thirds of the pods are mature. The moisture content during harvesting should be around 13%-15%. 

Before the seeds are stored, the seeds are dried, and all impurities such as leaves, stems, and immature pods removed. They are stored when they have a moisture content of around 12%. They are stored in bins that are fumigated to control bean weevils that are known to be the main pests that attack the crop. If stored with higher moisture content, they are dried by passing unheated air in the seeds until the moisture content reduces to 12%. Mung beans are sprouted or eaten directly, thus the great care to avoid contamination. 

This is where Malawi mung beans meet the world. Place your order for today and import Malawi mung beans promptly. 


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