What is the price of maize per kilogram/pound in Croatia today?
The retail price range for Croatia maize is between US$ 0.46 and US$ 0.65 per kilogram or between US$ 0.21 and US$ 0.29 per pound(lb). Click here to see today's exact prices of maize in Croatia
The retail price range in Kuna for maize is between EUR 3.18 and EUR 4.51 per kilogram or between EUR 1.44 and EUR 2.05 per pound(lb) in Zagreb and Split .
Wholesale prices
In 2025, the approximate wholesale price range for Croatia maize is between US$ 0.32 and US$ 0.45 per kilogram or between US$ 0.15 and US$ 0.21 per pound(lb).
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Prices of other produce in the Cereals/Grains category in Croatia: Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Rice, Sorghum, Buckwheet, Millet, Canary seed & Fonio.
See prices of maize in other countries across Europe: Georgia maize, Albania maize, Belarus maize, Bosnia and Herzegovina maize, Bulgaria maize, Croatia maize, Czech Republic maize, Estonia maize, Greece maize & Hungary maize.
Croatia maize - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
The quantity of maize sold by Croatia in 2020 was 9,601,824 metric tonnes. In 2019 Croatia sold 7,064,696 tonnes of maize. For the year 2019 alone, the demand for Croatia maize (cereals/grains category) has improved, with a change of 70.879 percent compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, maize's exports increased by 90.23% netting the nation US$1,269.92m for the year 2019. Croatia's maize exports are categorised as:
- Maize (excluding seed for sowing) (HS code 100590)
- Hulled, pearled, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked maize grains (excluding rolled, flaked, pellets and flour) (HS code 110423)
- Maize seed for sowing (HS code 100510)
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Croatia maize export values
In 2019, Croatia supplied maize costing 1,269.92m USD, an increment of 48.70% from 2018's total maize export of 854.04m USD. The annual increase in value of Croatia maize between 2017 to 2018 was 18.59 percent.
The per year variation in the quantity of Croatia's maize exports between 2017 and 2019 was 90.23% in comparison to a variation of 70.879% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
Croatia's portion of the world's total maize's exports in 2019 was less than 1%. Croatia is ranked number 28 in world exports of maize.
Export markets for Croatia maize ( in '000$ )
Croatia's top destinations for maize are Malta, Slovenia, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine.
Import/Export Trends
Croatia is a net importer of maize. The annual growth of Croatia maize in value between 2015 to 2019 was 56%, per annum, while annual growth in quantity for the same period was 41%, per annum.
Croatia ordered 336,920 tonnes of maize in 2019.
The production of maize in Croatia was 27,579,840 tonnes in 2019 and is predicted to change by an average of 7.03%. The country had an estimated 3,070,680.00 hectares under maize cultivation.