




Citation Micro:
Fl. Libya 56: 13 (1978)

WFO Identifier:

Common Names

  • Scabiosa libyca
  • Libyan Scabiosa
  • Libyan Pincushion-flower

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  • Sixalix libyca (Alavi) Greuter & Burdet [unknown]


Scabiosa libyca (also called Libyan Scabious, among many other common names) is a species of perennial plant native to the Middle East. It has a clump-forming habit and grows to a height of 0.3m. It has grey-green, deeply divided leaves and bears white to pinkish-purple flowers from summer to autumn. It prefers full sun and well-drained soil.

Uses & Benefits

Scabiosa libyca is used as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks, and is also used as a medicinal plant for treating various ailments.

Flower, Seeds and Seedlings

Scabiosa libyca has small, white flowers with a yellow center. The seeds are small and black. The seedlings are small and have thin, light green leaves.

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Cultivation and Propagation

Scabiosa libyca is an evergreen perennial that grows up to 1m tall. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soils. Propagation is usually done through seed or division. Seeds should be sown in spring or early summer in a well-drained soil mix. Division should be done in spring or early summer.

Where to Find Scabiosa libyca

Scabiosa libyca can be found in North Africa.

Scabiosa libyca FAQ

What is the scientific name of Scabiosa libyca?

Scabiosa libyca

What is the common name of Scabiosa libyca?

Libyan Pincushion Flower

What is the natural habitat of Scabiosa libyca?

Scabiosa libyca is native to North Africa and is found in dry grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands.

Species in the Scabiosa genus

Scabiosa andryifolia, Scabiosa adzharica, Scabiosa holosericea, Scabiosa imeretica, Scabiosa jezoensis, Scabiosa fumarioides, Scabiosa georgica, Scabiosa eremophila, Scabiosa farinosa, Scabiosa owerinii, Scabiosa paphlagonica, Scabiosa parielii, Scabiosa ochroleuca, Scabiosa praemontana, Scabiosa parviflora, Scabiosa nitens, Scabiosa lucidula, Scabiosa libyca, Scabiosa lucida, Scabiosa mollissima, Scabiosa meskhetica, Scabiosa balcanica, Scabiosa atropurpurea, Scabiosa arenaria, Scabiosa correvoniana, Scabiosa corsica, Scabiosa columbaria, Scabiosa beauverdiana, Scabiosa bipinnata, Scabiosa colchica, Scabiosa cinerea, Scabiosa cephalarioides, Scabiosa canescens, Scabiosa cartenniana, Scabiosa triandra, Scabiosa taygetea, Scabiosa tenuis, Scabiosa tenuisecta, Scabiosa thysdrusiana, Scabiosa pyrenaica, Scabiosa silenifolia, Scabiosa sosnowskyi, Scabiosa semipapposa, Scabiosa triniifolia, Scabiosa turolensis, Scabiosa velenovskiana, Scabiosa vestina, Scabiosa webbiana, Scabiosa daucoides, Scabiosa africana,

Species in the Caprifoliaceae family

Bassecoia bretschneideri, Bassecoia siamensis, Bassecoia hookeri, Cephalaria duzceensis, Cephalaria alpina, Cephalaria ambrosioides, Cephalaria anatolica, Cephalaria aristata, Cephalaria armeniaca, Cephalaria armerioides, Cephalaria armoraciifolia, Cephalaria attenuata, Cephalaria axillaris, Cephalaria aytachii, Cephalaria balansae, Cephalaria balkharica, Cephalaria beijiangensis, Cephalaria calcarea, Cephalaria cedrorum, Cephalaria charadzeae, Cephalaria cilicica, Cephalaria coriacea, Cephalaria dagestanica, Cephalaria decurrens, Cephalaria demetrii, Cephalaria dichaetophora, Cephalaria dirmilensis, Cephalaria ekimiana, Cephalaria elazigensis, Cephalaria elmaliensis, Cephalaria fanourii, Cephalaria flava, Cephalaria foliosa, Cephalaria galpiniana, Cephalaria gazipashensis, Cephalaria gigantea, Cephalaria goetzei, Cephalaria hakkiarica, Cephalaria hirsuta, Cephalaria humilis, Cephalaria integrifolia, Cephalaria isaurica, Cephalaria joppensis, Cephalaria juncea, Cephalaria katangensis, Cephalaria kesruanica, Cephalaria kotschyi, Cephalaria laevigata, Cephalaria leucantha, Cephalaria litvinovii,
