What is the price of tomato juice per kilogram/pound in United Kingdom (UK) today?
The retail price range for United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice is between US$ 0.95 and US$ 1.90 per kilogram or between US$ 0.43 and US$ 0.86 per pound(lb). Click here to see today's exact prices of tomato juice in United Kingdom (UK)
The retail price range in British pound sterling for tomato juice is between GBP 0.76 and GBP 1.53 per kilogram or between GBP 0.35 and GBP 0.69 per pound(lb) in London and Birmingham.
Wholesale prices
In 2025, the approximate wholesale price range for United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice is between US$ 0.67 and US$ 1.33 per kilogram or between US$ 0.30 and US$ 0.60 per pound(lb).
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United Kingdom (UK) Tomato Juice Export Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
The export prices of Tomato Juice from the United Kingdom per Kg were US$ 0.90, US$ 0.95, US$ 1.00, US$ 1.05, US$ 1.10 for the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 respectively. In 2023 the export price is expected to be around US$ 1.15 per Kg.The exports of tomato juice from United Kingdom (UK) are categorised as:
- Tomato juice, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excluding containing spirit) (HS code 200950)
United Kingdom (UK) Tomato Juice Import Prices - Historical, Trends and Prediction
Export values for United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice
The total values in export for tomato juice in United Kingdom (UK) were US$ 902, US$ 1,031, US$ 1,144 and US$ 1,067 in US dollar thousand for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in that order.
Prices of other produce in the Processed category in United Kingdom (UK): Milk & Cream, Yogurt, Kefir & Buttermilk, Whey, Butter, Cheese, Natural Honey, Coffee, Green Tea & Black Tea.
See prices of tomato juice in other countries across Europe: Georgia tomato juice, Albania tomato juice, Belarus tomato juice, Bosnia and Herzegovina tomato juice, Bulgaria tomato juice, Croatia tomato juice, Czech Republic tomato juice, Estonia tomato juice, Greece tomato juice & Hungary tomato juice.
United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice - Production, Exports, Imports, Seasons and HS Codes
The quantity of tomato juice sold by United Kingdom (UK) in 2020 was 784 metric tonnes. In 2019 United Kingdom (UK) sold 700 tonnes of tomato juice. For 2019 alone, the market for United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice (processed category) has increased, recording a change of 1.01 % compared to the year 2018. Between 2017 and 2019, tomato juice's exports increased by 236.54 percent netting the nation US$1.07m for the year 2019. United Kingdom (UK)'s tomato juice exports are classified as:
- Tomato juice, unfermented, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excluding containing spirit) (HS code 200950)
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United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice export values
In 2019, United Kingdom (UK) shipped tomato juice worth 1.07m USD, a reduction of -6.47% from 2018's total tomato juice export of 1.144m USD. The yearly reduction in value of United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice between 2017 to 2018 was 10.96 pc.
The annual change in the quantity of United Kingdom (UK)'s tomato juice exports between 2017 and 2019 was 236.54 percent compared to a variation of 1.01% in the period between 2018 and 2019.
United Kingdom (UK)'s stake of the world's total tomato juice's exports in 2019 was less than 1%. The country holds position 21 in world exports of tomato juice.
Export markets for United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice ( in '000$ )
United Kingdom (UK)'s top destinations for tomato juice are Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Import/Export Trends
United Kingdom (UK) is a net importer of tomato juice. The annual growth of United Kingdom (UK) tomato juice in value between 2015 to 2019 was 6%, per annum, while annual growth in quantity through the same period was 3%, per annum.
United Kingdom (UK) procured 21,113 tonnes of tomato juice in 2019.