White sapote is a citrus fruit that originates in Mexico and Central America. It’s not only loved for its unique taste but also for its health benefits when consumed. Unlike other citrus fruits, the white sapote combines vanilla, peach, and banana, resulting in a creamy texture.

In this piece, we’ll examine various characteristics associated with this delightful fruit.

What is white sapote?

Before we delve into this magnificent fruit’s numerous benefits, you may wonder what fruit this is.

The custard apple, often known as the white sapote, is a medium to large green tree growing upright with widespread drooping branches and broad leaves. Under normal circumstances, the tree grows to 30 to 60 ft and thrives in subtropical deciduous woodlands, dry highland forests and low forests.

Apart from the sweet fruit, the tree offers a dense shade thanks to its dense, drooping branches and broad leaves. Now that you know what white sapote is, let’s look at the health benefits.

Related: Mamey Sapote

Health benefits of white sapote

White sapote does not just taste heavenly; it also offers a wealth of nutritional elements. From pain relief in people with arthritis to maintaining eye health, you cannot afford to miss this fruit on your table or the tree in your backyard. Unlike the other citrus fruits, the white sapote leaves, bark, and seeds also benefit your health.

Here are the main health benefits of white sapote:

1. Rich In Vitamins 

White sapote is rich in vitamins C, A, and E, which are responsible for boosting a person’s immunity. The fruit has polyphenols which help fight toxins in the body, reducing the chances of illness.

It’s been told time and time again that we should consume carrots for healthy eyesight. Well, white sapote is the other best alternative. It’s rich in vitamin A, ensuring your eyes are healthy.

On the other hand, Vitamin E in sapote is also very vital in skin health. It moisturizes your skin, making it glow. It also works as an anti-aging agent, destroying free radicals in the body that are responsible for fastening the aging process.

2. Dietary fiber 

White sapote is also rich in dietary fiber and tannins. Every time you eat the fruit, your gut appreciates it since it aids digestion, prevents constipation and ensures that your gut health is excellent.

It also neutralizes acids secreted in the gut, helping alleviate hyperacidity.

3. Antioxidants 

The white sapote fruit is also abundant in beneficial compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids, which possess antioxidant properties that aid in preventing chronic illnesses such as cancer. It’s rich in vitamins A and B, which are responsible for maintaining the mucosal linings in your body, preventing lung and oral cancers.

4. Anti-inflammatory 

The white sapote tree has anti-inflammatory compounds. From digestive to joint inflammation, consuming a white sapote fruit will protect you from inflammatory diseases associated with terminal illnesses such as arthritis, diabetes and cancer.

5. Bone health 

Having healthy bones is very important to function well in terms of movement or your daily activities. You are typically told to eat meals high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. But did you know that a single bite of the white sapote fruit contains all these minerals? Regular consumption of this fruit will ensure healthy bones and perfect body function.

Apart from the benefits above, white sapote is also known to help in maintaining blood pressure, decrease relief pregnancy-related discomforts like nausea and healthy hair(from the seed oil).

Please note that too much consumption of sapote is not encouraged because of the following reasons:

  • High calorie content: Sapote is a fruit that is relatively high in calories compared to some other fruits. It contains natural sugars and a moderate amount of healthy fats. If consumed excessively, it can contribute to weight gain and potentially lead to an imbalance in overall calorie intake.
  • Sugar content: Sapote is naturally sweet and contains a significant amount of sugar. While the sugars in sapote are natural, consuming too much sugar can have negative health effects. It can contribute to dental problems, increase the risk of developing conditions like diabetes, and lead to weight gain when consumed in excess.
  • Fiber and nutrient imbalance: While sapote does provide some essential nutrients, excessive consumption can lead to an imbalance in your overall nutrient intake. Relying too heavily on sapote for nutrition may result in a deficiency of other essential nutrients found in a varied diet.
  • Digestive issues: Consuming large quantities of sapote can lead to digestive issues, especially if you have a sensitive stomach or a pre-existing digestive condition. Sapote contains natural fibers and certain compounds that may cause discomfort, bloating, or diarrhea when consumed excessively.

So what is the right quantity to consume? One or two small to medium size fruit per day is enough.

How to tell when white sapote is ripe 

Use these three cues to aid you in gauging the ripeness of white sapote:

  • Color and texture: Ripe white sapote has a pale yellow-green to creamy white color and a soft texture. Avoid fruits with a greenish hue, as they are likely unripe. When gently pressed, ripe white sapote yields slightly, similar to a ripe avocado or peach.
  • Fragrance: A ripe sapote fruit emits a sweet and fragrant aroma, indicating that it is ready to be enjoyed. Unripe fruit has no aroma, so if you have a sharp smell, you will know a ripe white sapote before touching it.
  • Fruit stem: Another way of telling if your fruit is ripe and ready for consumption is by quickly coming off the stem. If it’s unripe, it will not detach easily.

So if your fruit exhibits the above, it’s ripe and ready for consumption.

Enjoying white sapote: How to eat white sapote 

After confirming the ripeness and ensuring it is primed for consumption, here are some ways to relish this tropical fruit to the utmost satisfaction.

  • Fresh and raw: Cut the fruit half and scoop the creamy flesh with a spoon. You can eat it as is or add it to fruit salads for a refreshing twist.
  • Smoothies and shakes: Blend ripe white sapote with fruits like bananas, berries, or mangoes to create creamy and nutritious smoothies or shakes.
  • Desserts and baked goods: White sapote can be used as an ingredient in various desserts, including pies, tarts, ice creams, and custards, adding a unique and delicate flavor.

Where to buy white sapote fruit 

Now, you must be eager to try white sapote and wonder where to find it in the United States. The stores where you are most likely to find it are:

  • Specialty grocery stores: Some well-stocked specialty grocery stores focusing on exotic fruits may carry white sapote. Check with your local stores or farmers’ markets for availability. An excellent example of such a store in the US is Whole Foods Market.
  • Online retailers: Numerous online retailers offer a wide range of tropical fruits, including white sapote. A brief online search will present you with many choices to select from. Some online stores that will deliver the fruit to your doorstep are Miami Fruit and Melissas.com.

Where to find white sapote trees for sale 

If you’re interested in growing your own white sapote tree, you can find sapote trees for sale in the United States through various channels:

  • Nurseries and garden centers: Visit local nurseries or garden centers, particularly those specializing in fruit trees, to inquire about white sapote tree availability.
  • Online plant retailers: Many online plant retailers sell white sapote trees and can ship them directly to your doorstep.

You can buy your white support seedlings online or by visiting the Everglades Farm, Louie’s Nursery, and PlantOGram sites.

Finally, white sapote is a fruit you cannot afford to miss in your daily fruit servings. You may not have the health issues listed above, but you will need them to keep them at bay.

A good example is cancer. It’s among the top killer diseases in the world, so if eating a fruit or two of white sapote a day will keep you safe, then don’t hesitate.

Also, white sapote is the easiest and cheapest way to achieve healthy, glowing skin for ladies fighting various skin issues.