Organic oatmeal is a typical example of three independent words used to describe a single item. Breaking them down, organic means without the use of pesticides or fertilizers during planting or growing, and ‘natural’ is its perfect replacement. On the other hand, oats are edible grains from the oat grass, and meal simply means food. 

Combined, organic oatmeal is defined as a type of grain food grown without using inorganic substances such as pesticides and fertilizers. To any food-loving person, organic oatmeal is a common visitor at breakfast tables, and it is prepared by boiling the harvested oats in water or milk. 

Components of organic oatmeal

Starch is the most prominent component of oats at 60%, while protein takes 14%, and lipids and glucan compete for the remaining sect. Organic oatmeal is prepared using the following: 

  • Oats
  • Red wheat that is very hard and harvested during winter,
  • Rye and spelt, which help create the creamy base and make every taster submit to the sweetness. 
  • Milk, water, and salt can also improve your oatmeal breakfast experience.

Related: Nutrients in Cooked Oatmeal

Organic oatmeal vs. regular oatmeal

The main difference between organic and regular oatmeal is that one uses pesticides and herbicides while the other does not. For the organic type, the production is 100% natural matter growing with the help of water, air, and the ground anchoring it. 

While preference plays a significant role in choosing which type to prepare for breakfast, it is insightful to understand that regular oatmeal has been associated with glyphosate: a herbal substance that could cause cancer. 

Therefore, prioritizing organic oatmeal will make your breakfast delicious and protect your health, and most probably elongate your lifespan by a stronger immunity.

Physical differences

One can tell the difference between various types of oats at a glance. However, the texture is the most accurate parameter to reveal variety because steel-cut oats are coarser and chewy, while rolled oats are softer and smaller. 

What is the best organic oatmeal

Common types of organic oats include the following:

  • Rolled oats
  • Steel-cut oats
  • Oat Bran and
  • Gluten-free oatmeal

Let us look at each of these in detail.

Rolled oats

Rolled oats are the most common types, and their cooking procedure involves steaming and rolling them: they are thick but cook easily. They absorb a lot of liquid compared to other types, hence are more sticky but maintain their shape. 

Steel-cut oats

Steel-cut oats on the other hand are made by chopping whole oat groats into thinner pieces using steel blades. They are the chewiest types and take longer to cook than rolled oats.

Oat Bran

Oat Bran is the outer cover of the grain with a lot of fiber. As much as oat bran can be eaten alone as a cereal, most people prefer eating it with other types of organic oatmeal because of its additional nutritional benefits

Gluten-free Oatmeal

During the processing of oats, gluten substances can enter the grains. Therefore, processed oats can be cleaned to remove gluten for people with celiac disease, and gluten-free oatmeal is the end-product. 

The availability of particular types depends on the brand and manufacturer and the buyer’s preference or dietary needs. Rolled oats are the best types of oatmeal because they cook faster and are thicker and sweeter. 

Benefits of Organic Oatmeal

Nutritional value

Organic oatmeal has varied calorie content depending on the type. Proteins, starch, and fat are the most prevalent mineral components, and ½ a cup (40 grams) is enough to dispense these components to the body in the required quantity. 

Top health benefits 

The following are the top benefits of this organic food: 

1.    Rich in fiber

Fiber is a famous component for reducing constipation, but its presence in oats has more benefits. The fiber content enables the grains to dissolve in milk or water, making the meals palatable and more nutritional. The poultice (crushed oats and wrapped in a cloth) of rolled oats prevents cardiovascular diseases, boosts the immune system and smoothens the skin. 

Get more information about oatmeal poultice from the National Eczema Association website.

2.    Help in antioxidation

Avenanthramides are the antioxidants in oats that induce the body to produce nitric oxide that ensures blood pressure stability. They also prevent inflammation and enhance blood vessels’ dilation to ease blood flow. 

3.    It helps in blood sugar stabilization

In this contemporary world, chronic diseases are common, and diabetes is a frequent name. Oats can be the long-sought solution because they lower the blood sugar levels in the body and strengthen insulin sensitivity. In so doing, the body of a diabetic can be in a better position to fight other diseases and dispense excess sugar. 

4.    Fat elimination and weight loss

Since oats are fiber-rich and have low-calorie content, they are the most appropriate means to eliminate fats. Since the fiber in oats is soluble in milk and water, it enhances food satisfaction by producing a satiety hormone called peptide YY. Peptide YY induces a feeling of satisfaction in the brain, making you stop eating. 

5.    Digestion

Finally, it is the best digestion regulator because its fiber reduces constipation.

How to make organic oatmeal cookies

Organic oatmeal cookies are the best alternative for sugar cookies. Let us look at how to make them.

The ingredients

To make organic oatmeal cookies, you will require the following ingredients:

  1. ½ cup of organic oats
  2. 1 cup of water or milk (Preferably dairy or plant-based)
  3. A pinch of salt
  4. Toppings such as fruits or nuts

The process:

  1. Measure the preferred quantity of oats and water or milk with a ratio of 1:2
  2. Boil the water or milk in a saucepan, then add a pinch of salt. 
  3. After boiling, regulate the heat to medium or low, then gradually add the oats to the pan as you stir.
  4. Allow the oatmeal to simmer for 15-30 minutes, depending on the type of oatmeal you are preparing, then remove the saucepan from the heat.
  5. Allow it to sit for a few minutes as it gently cools and thickens, then stir before serving.
  6. You can serve the meal with your desired toppings, such as honey, fruits, grains, or syrups.

Organic oatmeal is one of the most exciting breakfast dishes when cooked well: it is the best organic baby food on earth. Apart from its nutritional value, it is sweet, pleasant to look upon, palatable with different foods, and satisfactory. 

Feel free to try out different types of oats during preparation to have first-hand experience with the best one. Its starch also offers strength to the baby, enhancing the growth process.