
Knowing Your Tarragon: French Vs. Mexican Vs. Russian

Due to the tropical climate of Kenya, Kenya tarragon achieves a graceful growth pattern that is the envy of other plants that either wither from drought or get frosty with cold, harsh weather. This owes partly to variety, especially from the fact that there are numerous plant varieties that are named for the countries from which they originate. The most famous flavor is, of course, French tarragon but the Russian variety comes with a horde of growth factors that are unrivaled. Also in the list is the Mexican strain and the US species, the Texas tarragon, a great option for cold room propagation.

With its composition of A. dracunculus oil, tarragon from any variety is always a windfall for the anyone out there who wants to add a touch of beneficial oil for whetting the appetite. In fact, one American author of recipe books once roosted that if it ever happened that he had to start cannibalism, it might just be possible if plenty of tarragon lay around the house! This is to attest to the fact that the use of this herb is not just as an appetizer but a flavor additive to make your fried eggs for instance, an attraction worth savoring.

The sunflower family, of which tarragon is part of the genera, qualifies as a family of the best herbs out there worth having in your kitchen for both nut oil and leaves’ extracts for cooking. However, which tarragon do you find more wonderful to use and what is the most attractive feature of the particular variety you like? Of course it all depends on one’s salivary palette but facts to assist you to choose better quality next time may suffice next:

French Tarragon: The very conditions of cultivation for French tarragon tell the story from the outset of a very proud herb. Indeed, the plant does not support seed-based husbandry like the rest of the tarragon varieties, and requires propagation from the stem or root. The growth pattern is also erratic but when fully blossomed, the plant will have wispy green leaves and a height of just below or above a meter high.

In aroma, the French tarragon is the most scented of all varieties, and commands preference over others by most users. Secondly, it is a great boon for use in a number of meat-based dishes including fish and chicken. In certain southern European countries, such as Hungary, this herb is popular as a chicken soup enhancer as it adds flavor.

Russian Tarragon: More common due to its drought-resistant qualities, ease of propagation in even sandy soils and fast growth, Russian tarragon is more widespread than its French counterpart. However, it misses the point when it comes to aroma as some prefer the stronger scent of the French strain.

Still, the Russian variety underscores some growth points that its stronger cousin misses altogether. These include, the ability to grow from seed and root alike under even extreme conditions. This is perhaps why in Kenya it is possible to find this variety in many places. Secondly, it attains a maximum height of 150 centimeters or more than a meter.

Mexican, Texas and other Varieties: The Mexican tarragon follows the lead of the Russian variety as both are similar in weaker flavor and ease of cultivation than the French tarragon. The Texas variety, on the other hand, goes by the nickname ‘winter tarragon’ perhaps due to its ability to survive cold weather.

There you have it: If you ever miss that dish you yearn for because the taste buds have recoiled from it, it takes just a dose of French, Russian or Mexican tarragon to douse the fear away. Next time it will be platefuls of chicken or fish, all favored with this herbal spice all over at table.

Kenya Herbs and Spices is ever happy to deliver the best Kenya Tarragon, all from family growers ready for the market. Feel free to place your order!