
Kenya Capsicum: How To Attain Superior Capsicum

In any fresh produce market, the crop that sells is always one that draws appeal to the eye and as such, none does it better without breaking a sweat like Kenya capsicum does. This is because it thrives quite well in sunny environments with just the right cooling elements like plenty of moisture. Not much prone to insect and pest agents, this mildly spicy vegetable herb can also thrive into maturation without as much as a crack on its peach green mammoth body. However, that is the only the tip of the iceberg as the following dissection will show more than meets the eye, in terms of farming effort, at breaking the market with a superior crop.

First of all, capsicum need not be your traditional variety day in day out. You ought to propagate at least two or more varieties in different patches of land. The yellow capsicum type for instance is popular thanks to its tasty aroma, and may turn the tables in the marketplace due to its scarcity.

While still on the question of variety, there are a number of Kenya capsicums that eventually turn green when ripe but begin with various shades during their maturation process. If you have such a species, it is always advisable to reap it when still in that shade other than the green tint settles in as this is the best time to initiate shelf life so that the fruit will be ripe and sumptuous-looking when it hits its shipping destination. Either way, the fruit is sweetest when it has its black, red, yellow or other eclectic shades before it turns into green tint.

If cultivating, you ought to start with the seedbed where plenty of water is essential during the first few days until the seedlings pop up off the ground. Next is to reduce water uptake especially when the uprooting period is near to elongate the plants and also ensure they are hardy enough for transplanting. The new furrow ground should have shallow beds with two rows for every bed, each seventy-five centimeters from the other to allow proper saturation, aeration, and sunshine (for pollination).

It is advisable not to swamp the capsicum with water as this may inhibit intake of the sun which allows pollination. Without the latter taking place, you won’t have large fruits but just dwarf, half-formed green stumps. This explains why in any marketplace it is always possible to identify better propagated capsicum.