Cilantro (coriander leaves) is a herb that’s hated in some regions and revered in others. Predominantly in East Asia, the genetically soapy taste has led to about 20% of East Asians hating it.

In contrast, In central America and India, where the herb is widespread, it is described as aromatic, herby, zesty and fresh, with some people relating it to the taste of strong parsley. 

Ever tasted the spring season? Some people say it tastes like spring, and others say it tastes like what a green is supposed to taste! Additionally, some cilantro lovers associate its taste with citrus soap, yet they still adore it, anyway.

Interestingly, some people initially disgusted with cilantro have evolved to revere it due to continued exposure to its use in most dishes.

Are you one of those who love cilantro or may break through the repulsion and want to plant it indoors? This article walks you through how to grow cilantro indoors in pots and water. You will also learn how to grow it in winter, whether from cuttings or seeds.

Let’s dive into the details.

How to grow cilantro indoors

Cilantro does well indoors, and you can harvest it within thirty days of planting. It doesn’t regrow after cutting. But if you’re looking to have a fresh supply of it all year, you only need a fresh supply of its seeds, then you can plant it anytime.

But how do you grow cilantro indoors to ensure a year-long supply?

Conditions necessary to grow cilantro indoors

Spring is the most favorable season to grow cilantro indoors as winter is prone to frosting, and warm summer can cause bolting. However, you can adjust the necessary conditions to ensure a consistent supply. 

Here’s what to check when planting cilantro indoors:

1. Sunlight

Cilantro needs exposure to sunlight for about 4-6 hours daily. If you are growing it in winter, you may need grow lights for a consistent supply of light. Otherwise, the plants will grow thin, taller and bent in search of sunlight.

2. Distance between plants

Overcrowding cilantro plants may also cause thinning. Growing them 6 inches apart produces healthier leaves.

3. Growing depth

Consider a ¼ inch depth when growing cilantro to avoid rotting the stems.

4. Application of fertilizer

Fertilizing the plants every 2 weeks boosts cilantro’s growth. A water-soluble fertilizer such as Miracle-Grow can serve better. Here’s a guide to the 10 best fertilizers for cilantro plants in pots.

5. Pest and disease control

Common cilantro pests include aphids and beet armyworms. You can check out these natural control tips for cilantro pests and diseases.

Ways of growing cilantro indoors

Here are some of the ways you can grow cilantro indoors:

How to grow cilantro in pots indoors

You can grow cilantro in a clay pot or a customized container using a potting mix.

To grow cilantro in pots indoors, you need cilantro seeds, a container with good drainage, vegetable and herb potting mix, and water-soluble fertilizer.

Here is the step-by-step guide:

  • Fill your container with the vegetable and herb potting mix
  • Spread the cilantro seeds on the mix in depths of ¼ inches and water them well.
  • The seeds will begin popping in a week’s time.
  • In two weeks, the cilantro plants will be about 2 inches tall. Ensure they have access to sunlight to prevent the leaves from turning yellow or thinning and growing tall when trying to access sunlight.
  • You can use the soluble fertilizer every two weeks to boost your cilantro plant’s growth.
  • Your cilantro plants should be ready to harvest in 4 weeks.

How to grow cilantro indoors in water

Are you wondering if you can grow cilantro indoors without soil? Why not! You can grow cilantro in water (hydroponically) without needing hydroponic pumps.

You need organic cilantro seeds, a container, paper napkins/cotton, a strainer/colander, and water to grow cilantro in water. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to planting cilantro in water:

  • In your colander, place one or two paper napkins
  • On your paper napkins, place your organic cilantro seeds
  • Over the cilantro seeds, place a moistened paper napkin.
  • Fill your container with water, halfway.
  • Place your colander on the half-filled container such that the base of the colander slightly touches the water.

Roots will begin showing in a few days, and you will have ready-to-harvest cilantro plants in a month. Consider changing the water in the container every week for healthy cilantro plants.

When is the best time to grow cilantro in water indoors?

You can grow cilantro indoors in water during spring or summer. Avoid growing cilantro in water during winter, as frosting would not support the growth of the plants.

Need a demo for growing cilantro indoors in water? This 4-minute tutorial on how to grow coriander in water indoors will be helpful.

How to grow cilantro indoors from cuttings

If you lack quality seeds but have a fresh supply of cilantro cuttings, you can also grow them indoors by cloning the stem (propagation) from a friend or supplier.

To grow cilantro indoors from cuttings, you need access to freshly growing cilantro plants, scissors and a clean glass. 

Here’s the step-by-step guide from cloning the stem to transplanting:

  • Check for new growth in the growing cilantro and cut sections of about 6 inches from each plant.
  • You want to have a stem. So, remove the lower leaves of the cuttings.
  • Immerse the cuttings into 3-inch water in a glass.
  • Place the glass on a sun-facing window.
  • You should see ½-inch roots in about 14 days, ready to transplant to a pot or container.

Factors to consider when planting cilantro indoors from cuttings

You definitely want a healthy and bountiful harvest from your cilantro plants. Observe these best practices:

  • The best time to plant cilantro indoors from cuttings is early to late spring, as growth will be shorter in summer as warm weather can cause bolting.
  • Select healthy plants when obtaining your cuttings. Avoid plants showing signs of infection by pests or diseases.
  • A sun-facing window is ideal for placing the glass with the cutting. However, avoid direct sunlight as it can kill the cuttings before they develop roots.
  • Consider changing the water in the glass daily for healthy growth.
  • When transplanting, the depth covered by the soil should be the same depth initially covered by water.

Did this guide help you? What more would you like to know about growing cilantro indoors? Let us know through our contacts page. We are always happy to help.