
Guacamole Made In Kenya

Guacamole is a green sauce made primarily from avocadoes with additional ingredients depending on the region of Mexico. Guacamole dates back to the 1500s and is traditionally made by mashing ripe avocadoes and sea salt with a mortar and pestle. Ingredients added are tomato, onion, garlic, lemon juice and chili.

The use of guacamole dates back to the times of the Aztecs, an indigenous group that populated much of Mexico. The word guacamole originated from Aztec phrase ahuaca-mulli, which is avocado source. Because guacamole is naturally high in fats, proteins and vitamins, it served as a power food of sorts to fuel the arduos lifestyle of the Aztecs. The Aztecs believed that guacamole that guacamole could be used as an aphrodisiac and was considered the food of the gods.

The Spaniards who colonized Mexico immediately loved guacamole; this eventually became the staple food among sailors. The first guacamole recipe was published in the 1940s. Over the centuries, guacamole recipe has undergone lots of changes, such as the introduction of the onion, tomato, tomatillo or chili Serrano. Traditionally guacamole was used as a condiment for meat or a spread for tortillas, but now guacamole is used as a spread on just about anything: hamburgers, hotdogs, bread and sandwiches.


Guacamole is a favorite dish for many countries around the world with America being the highest in consumption. This has been greatly caused by the increased knowledge of its health benefits and its delicious tastes. Guacamole is used in sandwich, toasts, sups, deviled eggs, on salad dressings, loaded potatoes, with fried fish, with vegetable patties, and smoked salmon.


  • Osteoporosis-vitamin k found in avocados improves the ability of the body to absorb calcium, keeping bones healthy. This vitamin also improves blood clotting, ensuring that bleeding is not very severe when the body is cut.


  • Stroke- Folate in guacamole prevents the heart from having stroke. Research shows that people who eat foods rich in folate are less likely to suffer stroke than those who do eat little amounts of folate.



  • Guacamole is packed with potassium- potassium an essential mineral to the body that helps maintain body fluid balance, nerves conduct properly, muscles contract and keep the heart beating well. Guacamole is high in potassium with a 100-gram(3.5 ounces) serving of avocado containing 485 mg of the recommended dietary allowance, compared to 358 mg in bananas.


  • High fiber content-avocado, tomatoes and onions play a great role in the high fiber in guacamole. Eating guacamole and lots of water helps induce regularity, and reduce the risk of conditions like high cholesterol, constipation, high blood sugar, heart disease, obesity.



  • Decreasing bloating- foods high in fiber cause bloating and a full feeling after consumption. Cilantro can help reduce bloating and discomfort brought about after eating high fiber foods.



  • Heart- healthy fats-avocados are high in fatty acids, oleic acid which is a monosaturated fatty acid found in olive oil. Oleic acid has been linked to reducing inflammation in the body and fight cancer.


  • Skin care- tomatoes, avocados and lime juice have sufficient amounts of vitamin c which is an essential component for creating and maintaining collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up for 25% to35% of the whole body protein. Other vitamins in guacamole like A and D help alleviate conditions such as acne and psoriasis.



  • Contains antioxidants that increase health and quality of life-lutein and zeaxanthin decrease the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Garlic in guacamole is rich in selenium and germanium which are anti-cancer properties. Tomatoes contain antioxidant lyopene which is reported to be effective against prostate cancer, stomach cancer and rectum cancer.


  • Guacamole is rich in vitamin A which helps protect against visual problems particularity night blindness. Its also an antioxidant that helps in preventing cancer, boosts immunity system helps the body ward off viral and bacterial infections like influenza.


  • Digestive benefits-the fiber in guacamole helps food move through your intestines preventing constipation. Fiber also reduces risk of hemorrhoids. Niacin is a B vitamin that is crucial for the normal function of the digestive system.


Main ingredients

2-3 ripe avocados

½ onions diced

1 Serrano pepper minced

½ teaspoon salt

1-2 teaspoon fresh cilantro chopped







Dice the onion with a sharp knife and put them in a bowl. If you want onions with less acidic bites wash the diced onions under cold water in a colander and drain.

  • Mince the pepper

Mince the Serrano pepper and combine in the same bowl of onion.

  • Chop the cilantro

Bunch the cilantro together with one hand and carefully chop with a sharp knife and ad the same in the bowl of onions and pepper.

  • Mince garlic(optional)

Guacamole does not require garlic, so if you add it, mince the garlic and clove and add in the other mixture.

  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients

For best flavor spend more time in mashing the mixture of onions and the other ingredients for them to release their oils.

  • Slice the avocados and remove the pit

Using a sharp knife split the avocado into halves and ensures no seed bit remains in the avocado. It’s better to use an avocado that is too soft than too hard, since this is the main ingredient.

  • Cube the avocado halves

Cut grid like patterns on the avocado but do not cut through the avocado skin.

  • Scoop the avocado into the remaining ingredients’

Using a spoon scoop the avocado flesh into the other bowl of mixture.

  • Mix the ingredients

Mixing is done gently using a spoon. For chunkier guacamole use the spoon to gently break up th avocado until the onion pepper and cilantro are evenly distributed. For a smoother guacamole mash them till they are soft.

  • Add tomatoes (optional) add tomatoes before breaking up the avocado. If they are ripe tomatoes add them now because they are delicate and worth highlighting.


  • Add sweetness with diced mango or pomegranate seeds
  • Add a smoky element to guacamole with roasted tomatillos or pumpkin seeds
  • Garnish the guacamole with thinly sliced radish, oven roasted corn, tortillas or chips arranged around the side of the bowl.