Pepitas, which means “little seeds of squash” in Spanish, is a type of edible seed that comes from certain varieties of pumpkins. These small green seeds are often used as a snack or in various culinary applications due to their nutty flavor and impressive nutrient profile.

Pepitas vs pumpkin seeds  

While pepitas and pumpkin seeds both come from the same plant, there are some notable differences between the two. Pepitas are the hull-less seeds of specific pumpkin varieties like:

  • Lady Godiva
  • Kakai
  • Austrian Hull-less
  • Styrian

Pumpkin seeds, on the other hand, refer to the entire seed, including the outer shell. Pepitas are also typically smaller, darker, and have a softer texture than pumpkin seeds.

Pepitas vs pine nuts: are they the same?  

No, pepitas and pine nuts are not the same. Pine nuts come from pine trees. They have a different taste and texture compared to pepitas. Pine nuts are also much more expensive than pepitas, making them a less accessible ingredient for many.

Pepitas and gluten: are pepitas gluten-free?  

Yes, pepitas are gluten-free, making them a great option for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. However, it’s important to note that some pepitas may be processed in facilities that also handle gluten-containing foods, so individuals with severe gluten allergies should check the packaging for any warnings or certifications.

Pepitas vs butternut squash: any relationship?  

While both pepitas and butternut squash come from the same species of plant (Cucurbita moschata), there is no direct relationship between the two. Pepitas are specifically the seeds of certain pumpkin varieties, some more examples include:

  • Cushaw Green-Striped
  • Winter Luxury
  • Long Island Cheese whereas.

Butternut squash, on the other hand,  is a type of winter squash that is often consumed for its sweet, nutty flesh.

Pepitas nutrition value  

Pepitas are a nutrient-dense food that is rich in healthy fats, protein, essential vitamins and minerals.  One ounce serving (approximately 28 grams) of pepitas contains approximately 150 calories, 7 grams of protein, 13 grams of fat (including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids), and significant amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.

How to eat pepitas  

Pepitas can be consumed raw as a healthy and nutritious snack. To eat them raw, you can simply remove them from their shell or buy them already hulled. Here are the steps to consume raw pepitas:

  • Rinse the pepitas with cold water to remove any dirt or debris
  • Spread them out on a baking sheet or towel to dry
  • Once dry, you can eat them as is, or lightly toast them in a dry pan or in the oven for a few minutes to enhance their flavor.

When consuming raw pepitas, keep in mind that they are high in fat and calories, so it’s important to consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet. You can also add raw pepitas to salads, and smoothies, or use them as a topping for yogurt or oatmeal

Alternatively, they can be roasted and are often used as a topping for salads, soups, or roasted vegetables. They can also be blended into sauces, dips, or spreads, or ground into a fine powder to be used as a gluten-free flour alternative. Some people even enjoy eating pepitas as a snack on their own or in trail mix.


Are pumpkin seeds and pepitas the same thing?

Pumpkin seeds and pepitas are not the same things. While pumpkin seeds refer to the entire seed, including the outer shell, pepitas are specifically the hulled seeds of certain pumpkin varieties.

What are pepitas called in English?  

Pepitas is the Spanish word for “little seeds of squash.” In English, they are simply referred to as pepitas.

What are the benefits of eating pepitas?  

Some potential benefits include improved heart health, lower inflammation, better blood sugar control, and improved digestion.

Why are pumpkin seeds called pepitas?  

Pumpkin seeds are called pepitas in Spanish, which is due to their origin in Mexico and other parts of Central America where Spanish is spoken.

How do you get pepitas out of pumpkin seeds?  

You will need to first remove the outer shell. This can be done by placing the seeds in a water bowl and gently rubbing them together to loosen the shell. Once the shell has been removed, the green seed inside is the pepita.

How do you get pepitas from pumpkins?

You will need to start by selecting the right type of pumpkin. Not all pumpkin varieties are suitable for producing pepitas, so look for varieties specifically labeled as “pepita pumpkins” or “oilseed pumpkins.” These varieties typically have hull-less seeds that are easier to process.

Once you have your pumpkin, cut it open and scoop out the seeds. Rinse the seeds in a colander to remove any pulp or strings. Then, spread the seeds out on a baking sheet and let them dry for a few hours or overnight.

Once the seeds are dry, you can roast them in the oven to bring out their nutty flavor. To do this, preheat your oven to 350°F and toss the seeds with a little bit of oil and salt. Spread the seeds out on a baking sheet and roast for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are golden brown and crispy.

After roasting, you can either eat the pepitas as a snack or use them in various culinary applications. To remove the outer shell and produce hull-less pepitas, you will need to further process the roasted seeds by gently rubbing them together in a bowl of water to loosen the shell. The shell will float to the top, and the pepitas will sink to the bottom. Skim off the shells and drain the pepitas before using them in your recipes.

What kind of pumpkin are pepitas?

Pepitas can come from various types of pumpkin, but the most common variety used for commercial production is the Stygian pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. Styriaca). This variety is native to Austria and Slovenia and is known for its hull-less seeds that are ideal for producing pepitas.