Author: Mark Timbe (Mark Timbe)


Dutch Farmers: EU Okays Plan to Buy Out Farmers to Reduce Emissions

A tractor protest seeking to upstage plans to buy out farms from Dutch farmers ‘forever,’ has been going on for the better part of 2023, precisely since March,  in provincial Netherlands, amid EU’s nod to the scheme aiming to reduce emissions. The agricultural hotbed of Western Europe seeks to stem its rising nitrogen emissions by...


Are Factory Farms Fuelling Antibiotic Resistance?

It’s emerging that a huge portion of antibiotics are increasingly ending up in agricultural uses.  Factory farms in particular, or concentrated animal feeding operations, are intensely feeding animals with antibiotics to prevent or treat diseases. This has triggered a rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria.  When these bacteria get to human beings through the food chain,...


Is Solar Farming Killing Food Farming?

There is a raging debate in the U.S whether solar farms should be encouraged.  There are those who feel that by encouraging farmers to switch to solar harvesting for energy and profits, in place of growing food, the food sector will eventually be diminished and this is a grave danger to food security. On the...


Luke Bryan Announces 2023 Farm Tour

Country singer and songwriter Luke Bryan will again this year headline his Farm Tour as he trots around 5 farm arenas giving back to local farmers who formed most of his early life. The Farm Tour has been held since 2009 when Bryan kick-started a tradition that was to connect with American farmers and more...

In Souh Africa, Food Prices are Accelerating

In Souh Africa, Food Prices are Accelerating

South Africa is in the grip of a worrying trend of high food prices which in February 2023, nearly surpassed the 2009 record. A loaf of bread now costs up to 20 Rand ($1.09), a cost that seems like a nightmare to the common consumer who recently used to buy it for only 5 Rand...


Is Mao Era Agriculture Control Back in China?

While a three-year lockdown over Covid-19 still rings fresh in the minds of most people in rural China, it goes without saying that anything from this period that hints at freedom curtailing can have a sensational run. Indeed, something of a similar caliber is already running its course in a remote hamlet in Xian, north...


Plastics Are Infiltrating Our Food Chains

Each piece of plastic that has at any point been made is still on our planet today, aside from what has been scorched down. Also, this plastic doesn’t vanish. What happens is it separates into increasingly small pieces known as microplastics and nanoplastics. Microplastics have penetrated all aspects of the planet, especially the food supply...


Norway Salmon Prices Sustain Fluctuations in 2023

Salmon prices are ever dynamic, always shifting almost on a weekly basis and 2023 has demonstrated this in a big way. Through week 15 of 2023, for example, prices for Norwegian farmed salmon increased by 6.95% compared to week 14, according to the NASDAQ Salmon Index. The prices climbed up to NOK 119.24 (€10.41, $11.43)...